
5 unusual facts about Run Silent, Run Deep

Bungo Channel

In the English-speaking world, the Bungo Strait is most known for its role in the 1958 World War II submarine film Run Silent, Run Deep based upon best-selling 1955 novel by then-Commander Edward L. Beach, Jr..

Cloaking device

Inspired in part by the 1958 film Run Silent, Run Deep, Star Trek screenwriter Paul Schneider imagined cloaking as a space-travel analog of a submarine submerging, and employed it in the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror".

George L. Street III

Edward Beach, Tirante's Executive Officer on her first patrol, modeled his first novel, Run Silent, Run Deep (1955), on his wartime experiences.

Japanese destroyer Akikaze

In the movie Run Silent, Run Deep, the US submarine Nerka attacks and sinks a Japanese destroyer called  Akikaze in the Bungo Straights.

Momo-class destroyer

In the movie "Run Silent, Run Deep" Run Silent, Run Deep the US submarine Nerka attacks and sinks a Japanese destroyer called  Momo.

see also