
6 unusual facts about Deep One


In ancient times, Byatis' idol was brought down to earth by the Deep Ones.

Byatis, the serpent-bearded, the god of forgetfulness, came with the Great Old Ones from the stars, called by obeisances made to his image, which was brought by the Deep Ones to Earth.


She is essential for Cthulhu's plans, and is thus vigilantly guarded by countless Yuggya and Deep Ones.

Deep One

Anders Fager has described the city of "Ya´ Dich-Gho" as located in the Stockholm skerries.

Xothic legend cycle

Ythogtha is the second son of Cthulhu and resembles a gigantic, humanoid frog, or Deep One, with only a single, huge eye in the center of his forehead like a cyclops.

One night, a Deep One, disguised as a sailor, breaks into the institute to steal the figurine.


All of the oceans and most of the coasts of the world are sparsely controlled by the Esoteric Order of Dagon, who use sea beasts, monstrous Deep Ones and Hybrid soldiers, brainwashed or conscripted humans, and their own brand of oceanic mecha in their search for R'lyeh, the lost underwater city of Cthulhu.

The Shadow over Innsmouth

As the story ends, the narrator, by then a student at Oberlin College, tells us that his horror at the idea is changing into acceptance, and that he will be quite happy living forever in the city Y'ha-nthlei, deep beneath the sea.

see also