
unusual facts about SBB Cargo

SBB Cargo

In summer 2010, SBB Cargo ordered 30 new two-axle hybrid locomotives (type Eem 923 Hybrid) from Stadler Winterthur AG to replace the Bm 4/4 shunting locomotives and various three-axle shunting locomotives used for light freight duties for wagonload traffic, since the old locomotives no longer met current requirements in terms of age, cost-effectiveness and performance.

Bellinzona railway station

In 2008, the SBB Cargo facility at Bellinzona hit the headlines, when its workers went on strike, after SBB Cargo had prescribed rigorous reduction measures for the site.

see also

Nicolas Perrin

In summer 2007, Perrin became interim CEO of SBB Cargo following the departure of Daniel Nordmann.