
2 unusual facts about SETI Institute

SETI Institute

Two Nobel Laureates have been associated with the SETI Institute: Charles Townes, key inventor of the laser, and the late Baruch Blumberg, who discovered the Hepatitis B vaccine.

The SETI Institute’s public outreach efforts include working with teachers and students in promoting science education and the teaching of evolution, working with NASA on exploration missions such as Kepler and SOFIA, and producing a weekly science program: Big Picture Science.

400 Years of the Telescope

It was shot on RED Digital Cinema at the world's leading universities and observatories including the European Southern Observatory, Institute for Astronomy, SETI Institute, Space Telescope Science Institute, Anglo-Australian Observatory, and Harvard University.

see also

Seth Shostak

Big Picture Science is distributed on the Public Radio Satellite System and the Public Radio Exchange and is available for download at the SETI Institute's website and through podcasts.

Thomas Pierson

David Packard and William Hewlett of Hewlett Packard, and Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel Corporation, and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation reached into their own pockets and entrusted their funds to Pierson to save the Targeted Search portion of NASA's SETI program and move it to the SETI Institute to become Project Phoenix (SETI).