
5 unusual facts about SPLA

Gordon Muortat Mayen

The weapons were then passed on by Muortat to the SPLA, who later took up arms against Khartoum.

Dr. John Garang de Mabior, future leader of the SPLA, was among one of the batches of Muortat's soldiers sent to Israel for military training under the NPG.

James Wani Igga

Igga was one of the SPLA's most senior representatives during negotiations with SPLA-Nasir.


SPLA-Nasir and SPLA-United, a Sudanese breakaway faction formed in 1991


Other commanders with whom he initially spoke suggested that he bring in Riek Machar, a well-liked senior commander whose base in Nasir gave him easy access across the Ethiopian border to Gambela and the SPLA rear bases where Lam and Riek could gain political support.


SPLA | SPLA-Nasir |

Ahmed Haroun

In June 2011, Haroun defeated Abdelaziz al-Hilu of the SPLA to become the governor of South Kordofan in an election rejected by the SPLA as rigged.

Arok Thon Arok

In late 1992 Arok escaped from SPLA imprisonment, together with Kerubino Kuanyin,

Daniel Awet Akot

Akot also became governor of Bahr el Ghazal and the overall commander of SPLA forces in that region.

Daud Bolad

Ethiopian President Mengistu Haile Mariam, one of the major supporters of the SPLA, had recently been overthrown by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front.

Elijah Malok Aleng

The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) forces of Eagle Battalion, whom they were commanding, were largely made up of Dinka elements from Northern Bahr el Ghazal specifically from Abiei, Gogrial and Aweil Counties.


In February 2011, forces loyal to the rebel General George Athor attacked three operational outposts of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA).

Gatluak Gai

In late May 2010, Gatluak Gai's forces attacked an SPLA base at Awarping in Abiemnom County.

George Athor

George Athor Deng (1962 – 19 December 2011) was the Sudan People's Liberation Army Lieutenant General and a SPLA dissident who led the South Sudan Democratic Movement and its military wing, the South Sudan Army.

Josephine Apieu Jenaro Aken

She was a senior civil servant in the Government of Southern Sudan who lost her life alongside her husband Minister for SPLA Affairs General Dominic Dim Deng, senior politician Dr. Justin Yac Arop and 18 other Sudan People's Liberation Army/Government officials on a leased CEM Air Beechcraft 1900 that crashed 375 km west of Juba, Sudan on May 2, 2008.

Juba Declaration of 8 January 2006

General Peter Gadet, who joined the SPLA after Juba Declaration, said that he was marginalized and that the army was dominated by tribal nepotism.


In July 1999 SSDN Commander Tito Biel, who had been given ammunition by the SPLA, launched an attack on Paulino Matiep's forces and pushed them back almost to their headquarters in Mankien.

In April 2011 the town was briefly occupied by forces loyal to the renegade general Peter Gadet before being re-taken by troops of the SPLA.

Nuer White Army

However, it was not until a major defeat in May 2006 near Motot, in Jonglei's Uror County, in which 113 White Army fighters were reportedly killed for the loss of a single Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) soldier, that the fighters gave up their attempts at resistance, according to the Small Arms Survey.

The declaration marked an escalation in the ongoing clashes between the SPLA, the Murle, and the Lou Nuer in Jonglei and Upper Nile, which began when armed Murle fighters under the influence of George Athor's South Sudan Democratic Movement launched a cattle raid against the Lou Nuer in Jonglei state.


When that regime collapsed in May 1991, the SPLA began moving hundreds of thousands of refugees back to Sudan, many of them temporarily settled at Nasir, Pochalla, and Pakok (the new name for Khor Shum).

Several thousand unaccompanied boys were trained by the SPLA, then used to help prop up the Mengistu regime.

Paulino Matip Nhial

In May 2009 Paulino was promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant General while Major General James Hoth Mai was promoted to Lieutenant General and appointed the SPLA’s Chief of Staff.

Peter Gadet

He joined the SPLA after the Juba Declaration of 8 January 2006, but said that he was marginalized and that the army was dominated by tribal nepotism.

Postage stamps and postal history of South Sudan

At the time of the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between Khartoum and the SPLM/SPLA in Nairobi on 9 January 2005, only the post offices in the four garrison towns of Juba, Wau, Malakal and Renk remained open, but they hardly functioned.

South Sudan Liberation Movement

The group's creation was announced in November 1999 by people of the Nuer ethnicity who were in both the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the government-allied South Sudan Defense Force (SSDF) gathered in Waat.

Sudan People's Liberation Movement

Accordingly he started the SPLA/M, which was a group of rebellious south Sudanese soldiers of the Sudanese Army based in Bor, Pochalla, and Ayod (first called the Bor Mutiny).

United Nations Flight 544 shootdown

The crash site was near the front of ongoing fighting between the SPLA and Murle rebels led by David Yau Yau.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1591

In the preamble of the resolution, the Council welcomed of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Nairobi, Kenya, by the Sudanese government and Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement (SPLA/M).

William Nyuon Bany

While he worked as a commander of the SPLA he lived in Itang, a small Ethiopian town in the Gambela Region.

see also