
unusual facts about Safe sex

Safe sex

The term safe love has also been used, notably by the French Sidaction in the promotion of men's underpants incorporating a condom pocket and including the red ribbon symbol in the design, which were sold to support the charity.

Diana's Hair Ego

While documenting an AIDS quarantine controversy in South Carolina with DIVA TV (Damned Interfering Video Activist TV), filmmaker Ellen Spiro met DiAna DiAna, a local hairdresser who transformed her beauty parlor into a center for AIDS and safe sex information.

Fiona O'Malley

She has travelled to South America and South Africa with the United Nations Population Fund and has spoken extensively of the need for a clear safe sex message both in Ireland and in the developing world.

How to Have Sex in an Epidemic: One Approach

Some social scientists have credited this book and a 1982 pamphlet called Fair Play! by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as being the first literature to recommend safe sex as a strategy for reducing the risk of contracting the transmitting agent which causes AIDS.

see also


In conjunction with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation which has a particular focus on "high risk" groups within New Zealand, gay.co.nz works closely to promote the message of "safe sex".

Richard Berkowitz

He met physician Joseph Sonnabend and became a patient, learning from Sonnabend the practices for risk reduction that would later become known as safe sex.

Sheri's Ranch

Sheri's Ranch was featured in the BBC series Panorama about the importance of safe sex, preventative measures taken to avoid the contraction of HIV, and other STD/STIs by Nevada brothel sex workers.

Tracey Moberly

In the past the Club 18-30 Billboard ‘Beaver Espana & Summer of 69’ advertising campaign was successfully stopped as Moberly organised a graffiti campaign to add the safe sex slogans that she thought were missing from the advertisements.