In 1989 Riley would go on to sell Lancer which was generating $15 million in sales with over 2,000 orders per week and purchase Impressive Labels in Safford, Arizona.
On one such drive, Olney, John Ringo, Ike Clanton, and Al Turner hurrahed the town of Safford, Arizona, a typical cowboy behavior.
Safford, Arizona | Safford | William Edwin Safford | Katherine Safford Harris |
Burgoyne sent 550 men under Heinrich von Breymann, while Warner's company of about 350 Green Mountain Boys came south from Manchester under Lieutenant Samuel Safford's command.
Cat Glover, Wally Safford and Greg Brooks: Dancers and Vocals
The bank was well-positioned to contribute to nearby communities in Arizona's copper mining country, such as Safford, Morenci and Clifton.