
5 unusual facts about Salò

Alessio Chiodi

Alessio Chiodi (born March 17, 1973 in Salò) is an Italian former three-time Grand Prix motocross world champion.

Ippolito Chamaterò

He dedicated his first book, Il primo libro di madrigali for five voices, to the Count of Salo, Giberto Sanvitale, and the next book, Il primo libro di madrigali for four voices, to Gian Giacomo Trivultio.

Jean Joseph Guieu

Surprised by the attack of Peter Ott on 29 July, Guieu rallied 400 men and withdrew to the Palazzo Martinengo in the village of Salò.

Julian McGauran

In April 2010 McGauran, a long time campaigner on censorship issues, called for the sacking of the Classification Board Chairman, for the Board's release onto DVD of the formerly banned movie Salò.

Vittoria Accoramboni

On the death of Pope Gregory XIII, Cardinal Montalto, her first husband's uncle, was elected in his place as Sixtus V (1585); he vowed vengeance on the duke of Bracciano and Vittoria, who, warned in time, fled first to Venice and thence to Salò in Venetian territory.

Dave Salo

While head coach of the Irvine Novaquatics, Salo led his team to a number of age group championships (BC and Junior Olympic) as well as several Junior National Team Championships and the United States Swimming National Championships (Men, Women, Combined, Combined Under 18).

Franco Merli

Franco Merli obviously had at least one uncomfortable moment during the shooting of Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma, as Ezio Manni – who played the guard who falls in love with the black servant girl (Ines Pellegrini) – remembers.

Institute for International Research in Glass

Robert Kesseler (2013), Richard Slee (2013), Bruce McLean(2013), Wendy Ramshaw, Gijs Baker (2013), Graham Dolphin (2013), Markku Salo, Claire Barclay, Kristina Niedderer, Stefan Gec (2004), Shelley James (2005-6), Janine Goldsworthy

Ola Salo

As a plane was flying very low overhead Salo said "In this country, you don't know where those planes are headed. Well, this one seems to be heading in the right direction anyway..." meaning the airport, but then suddenly adding "...to the White House" which happened to be in the same direction.

Salo and the other members of the band had an international breakthrough in 2000 with the album We Are The Ark, containing the signature song "It Takes a Fool to Remain Sane" (for which Ola won a Grammis for "Song of the Year"), a song Salo wrote after watching the Danish film Idioterne (The Idiots).

Order of the Roman Eagle

The separate Order of the Patron Saints of Italy (Ordine dei Santi Patroni d'Italia) St. Francis of Assisi and St. Catherine of Siena was also conferred by the so-called Salò Republic between February and April 1945.

Otto Erich Hartleben

He used the proceeds to purchase the Villa Halkyone in Salò on Lake Garda.

Petri Salo

Petri Salo has visited as a guest lecturer in various universities in Finland (University of Helsinki, University of Joensuu), Scandinavia (University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg), Sweden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, and University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway), Estonia (University of Tarto), the U.S. (University of Minnesota) and Australia (Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga)

Salo Landau

Salo (Salomon) Landau (1 April 1903, Bochnia, Galicia, Austria-Hungary – 15 November 1943, Grodziszcze, Świdnica County, Poland) was a Dutch chess player, who died in a Nazi concentration camp.

Tommy Salo

On December 9, 2006, in an interview with Swedish newspaper Expressen, Salo announced that he would retire from hockey after the 2006-07 season.

Trans-African Highway network

In a few cases, there has never been a road of any sort, such as the 200 km gap between Salo in the Central African Republic and Ouésso on highway 3.

see also