
6 unusual facts about Salviati

Bernardo Buontalenti

He is said to have been instructed in painting by Salviati and Bronzino, in sculpture by Michelangelo Buonarroti, in architecture by Giorgio Vasari, and to have learned miniature painting under Giulio Clovio.

Borghese Collection

In 1682, part of Olimpia Aldobrandini's inheritance entered the Borghese collection; it included works from the collections of Cardinal Salviati and Lucretia d'Este.

Jacopo Salviati

Son of Giovanni Salviati and Maddalena Gondi, he devoted himself in the economic affairs of the family, becoming very wealthy.

Madonna with Child Enthroned between Saints John the Baptist and Sebastian

The work was commissioned by Cornelia Salviati, widow of Venetian merchant Giovanni Martini, and his son Roberto, for the chapel of the convent of San Domenico, Fiesole, which had been perhaps restored by Giuliano da Sangallo a few years before.

Pazzi conspiracy

Sixtus IV appointed his nephew, Girolamo Riario, as the new governor of Imola, and Francesco Salviati as archbishop of Pisa, a city that was a former commercial rival but now subject to Florence.


In Galileo's Dialogue, Salviati is the character who speaks for him.

Antonio Salviati

A native of Vicenza, Salviati was a lawyer who got interested in glasswork after becoming involved in restorations being done on the mosaics of Saint Mark's Cathedral in Venice.

Holy Trinity Chapel, Capesthorne

A mosaic reredos was added in the apse, which was manufactured by Salviati and is loosely based on Giotto's Dormition.

San Gregorio Magno al Celio

Also interesting is the Salviati Chapel, designed by Francesco da Volterra and finished by Carlo Maderno in 1600: it includes an ancient fresco which, according to the associated tradition, spoke to St. Gregory, and a marble altar (1469) by Andrea Bregno and pupils.

see also