
unusual facts about Sampiro

Pelagius of Oviedo

These included the Historia Gothorum of Isidore, the Chronica ad Sebastianum, and the Chronicon of Sampiro (which was heavily interpolated, but ultimately truncated).


Sampiro |

Fernando Ansúrez I

According to Sampiro, Fernando ("Fredenandi Ansuri filius") was one of the counts of the region of Burgos, the chief city of Castile—the others being Nuño Fernández, Abolmondar Albo, and Diego Rodríguez—who were captured by Ordoño II on the river Carrión in the place called Tebulare or Tegulare ("Tejar" or "Tejares" in Spanish, as yet unidentified) and imprisoned them in León.

Pelagius of Oviedo

The Chronicon regum Legionensium and the revised chronicle of Sampiro influenced the later authors of the Chronica Adefonsi imperatoris and the Chronica naierensis, and also Lucas de Tuy, Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada, and Alfonso X.

Sampiro National High School

Sampiro National High School is a Secondary Public High School located at Sitio Ugatan, Sampiro, San Juan, Batangas, Philippines (South west of brgy. Sampiro, South East of brgy. Sapangan, North West of brgy. Quipot,).

see also