
2 unusual facts about Samuel Foster

Samuel Foster

In 1646 John Wallis received from Foster a theorem on spherical triangles which he afterwards published in his Mechanica.

(Epitome Aristarchi Samii de magnitudinibus et distantiis . . . solis, lunae, et terrae. Lemmata Archimedis ... e ... codice MS. Arabico a Johanne Gravio traducta. A short treatise of fortifications, by J. T. i.e. J. Twysden?. Extract of a letter on dialling by Im. Halton. Aequations arising from a quantity divided into two unequal parts: and the second book of Euclides Elements, demonstrated by species by John Leeke).

see also

Samuel Damon

S. Foster Damon, Samuel Foster Damon (1893–1971), also published poetry as Samuel Nomad

Victor E. Neuburg

In the year 1984/5 he was Samuel Foster Haven Fellow of the American Antiquarian Society.