The newspaper was first published in 1728 by Samuel Keimer and was the second newspaper to be published in Pennsylvania under the name The Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences: and Pennsylvania Gazette, alluding to Keimer's intention to print out a page of Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences in each copy.
In 1712 Andrew Bradford was the first person to start a printing business in Philadelphia.
Samuel Beckett | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Samuel Johnson | Samuel Pepys | Samuel L. Jackson | Samuel R. Delany | Samuel Barber | Samuel Goldwyn | Samuel | Samuel Alito | Samuel Butler | Samuel Ramey | Samuel Morse | Samuel Gompers | Samuel de Champlain | Samuel Sewall | Samuel Richardson | Samuel Hill | Samuel Fuller | Samuel Purchas | Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount Hood | Samuel Foote | Samuel Butler (novelist) | Samuel Sánchez | Samuel Rogers | Samuel Rivera | Samuel Pierpont Langley | Samuel J. Tilden | Samuel Gridley Howe | Samuel Franklin Cody |