
3 unusual facts about Samuel Koranteng-Pipim

Samuel Koranteng-Pipim

Besides CAMPUS (Center for Adventist Ministry to Public University Students) and the Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism, Michigan Conference's outreach school, Pipim also regularly teaches intensive courses on hermeneutics to students enrolled at, AFCOE (Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism), ARISE (A Resource Institute for Soul-winning and Evangelism), and LIFE (Lay Institute for Evangelism), supporting institutes run by Adventist supporting organizations.

Pipim contributed to the Biblical Research Institute's book Interpreting Scripture, published in 2010, a work which attempted to provide answers to questions often raised concerning the Bible.

In the 1990s, Pipim played a role in the Adventist debate over the Bible's authority and interpretation, an issue that came into greater prominence with the publication of Old Testament scholar Alden Thompson's Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers (1991).

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