
unusual facts about Samuel Palmer

Jabez Earle

In December 1691 he witnessed the funeral of Richard Baxter, and long afterwards told Samuel Palmer, of the Nonconformist's Memorial, that the coaches reached from Merchant Taylors' Hall (whence the body was carried) to Christ Church, Newgate, the place of burial.

William Attersoll

In all likelihood the former was the William Attersoll of Calamy, whose name is simply entered under 'Hoadley (East), Sussex,' as among the ejected of 1662, and so, too, in Samuel Palmer's Nonconformist's Memorial (iii. 320).

see also

Robin Tanner

He had been inspired by the major Samuel Palmer retrospective exhibition organised by Martin Hardie in London in 1926, and his first etching was made in that year.