
unusual facts about San Manuel Bueno, Mártir

Emma Carelli

Harold Wayne Collection Volume 37: Eugenia Burzio, Emma Carelli, Ester Mazzoleni contains six arias recorded by Carelli between April and July 1906—"Je suis encour tout étourdie" from Manon; "Vissi d'arte" from Tosca; "Io son l'umile ancella" and "Poveri fiori" from Adriana Lecouvreur; and "No! se un pensier torture" and "Non odi là il martir" from Siberia.

San Manuel Bueno, Mártir

The fictional location in San Manuel bueno, mártir was perhaps inspired by a real place, as suggested by the real life lake San Martín de Castañeda, in Sanabria, at the foot of the ruins of a convent to St. Bernard where to this day lives a legend of a submerged city (Valverde de Lucerna) sleeping at the bottom of the lake.

Sierra de San Pedro Mártir

Captive-born California Condor have been re-introduced to the wild in the Sierra San Pedro Martir, the first time they have been seen in the range since 1937.

see also