Initially, it was difficult to replace the legendary actor, Santosh Dutta as Jatayu, but he became popular with time.
Another milestone in Dutta's career was playing Gopal Bhar in the movie of same name, Gopal Bhar being a humorous character known for centuries in India, particularly the state of West Bengal.
Lara Dutta | Divya Dutta | Tanushree Dutta | Santosh Sahukhala | Santosh Rai Pathaje | J. P. Dutta | Amal Dutta | Umesh Chandra Dutta | Sudhindranath Dutta | Santosh Thundiyil | Santosh Sivan | Santosh Koli | Santosh Kashyap | Santosh Dutta | Rono Dutta | Pratiksha Santosh Shinde | N. Santosh Hegde | Jogesh Dutta |