
3 unusual facts about Sara Ayers


In 2000 dreamSTATE began curating THE AMBiENT PiNG, a weekly live ambient performance event in Toronto providing a stage for developing artists in the genre and hosting notable touring performers such as Robert Rich, Sara Ayers, Alpha Wave Movement, Eric Wollo, Tom Heasley, James Johnson and Vir Unis.

Falling You

Notable vocalists include Dru Allen (This Ascension/Mirabilis), Aimee Page, Jennifer McPeak, Sara Ayers, Krista Tortora (Full Blown Kirk), Victoria Lloyd (Claire Voyant), Suzanne Perry (Love Spirals Downwards), Amanda Kramer (Golden Palominos), Shikhee (Android Lust) and Erica Mulkey (Unwoman).

Sara Ayers

VH1 used samples of "Angel #3" for the soundtrack of Behind the Music: Britney Spears.

see also