Sarah Helen Whitman correspondence with Ingram, with her letters from Poe and a daguerrotype portrait, was added to the library of material he was assembling; Ingram's Poe collection is now held at the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library at the University of Virginia.
Walt Whitman | Sarah Vaughan | Sarah Palin | Sarah Bernhardt | Sarah Brightman | Helen Mirren | Helen Keller | Sarah Jessica Parker | Sarah, Duchess of York | Sarah McLachlan | Sarah Silverman | Helen | Helen of Troy | Helen Hayes | Sarah Michelle Gellar | Sarah | Sarah Harmer | Sarah Lawrence College | Helen Clark | Sarah Polley | Sarah Kane | Helen Reddy | Helen Frankenthaler | The Sarah Silverman Program | Sarah Slean | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | Helen Hunt | Helen Humes | Sarah Siddons | Sarah Lennox, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox |