
6 unusual facts about Sarah Siddons

City of Westminster College

It includes a large central atrium at the heart of the building, accessible green roof terraces and increased community access to features such as the Sarah Siddons Theatre and public cafe overlooking St Mary's Gardens.

John Home

Peg Woffington played Lady Randolph, a part which found a later exponent in Sarah Siddons.

Old Orchard Street Theatre

Sarah Siddons joined the company between 1778 and 1782 and was amongst many leading actors of the day who performed at the theatre.

Sleepwalking scene

Well known phrases from the scene include "Out, damned spot!" and "All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand." The British tragedienne Sarah Siddons (1755-1831) was distinguished for her performance and interpretation of the scene.

John Philip Kemble's 1794 Drury Lane production starred his leading lady and sister Sarah Siddons who offered a fiercely psychological portrait of Lady Macbeth.

Westbourne Grove

Also north of what is now Westbourne Grove was Westbourne Farm which was the home, between 1815 - 1817, of the actress Sarah Siddons, who lived there with her daughter.

Anne Seymour Damer

She executed several actors' portraits, such as the busts of her friends Sarah Siddons and Elizabeth Farren (as the Muses Melpomene and Thalia).

Elizabeth Inchbald

In 1776 they moved to Liverpool and Inchbald met actors Sarah Siddons and her brother John Philip Kemble, both of whom became important friends.

see also