Both Sarah Moore Grimké and her great niece Angelina Weld Grimké appear as main characters in Ain Gordon's 2013 play If She Stood, commissioned by the Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia.
Her writings gave suffrage workers such as Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott several arguments and ideas that they would need to help end slavery and begin the women’s suffrage movement.
Roger Moore | Michael Moore | Sarah Vaughan | Alan Moore | Sarah Palin | Sarah Bernhardt | Sarah Brightman | Henry Moore | Thurston Moore | Mandy Moore | Thomas Moore | Sarah Jessica Parker | Gary Moore | Demi Moore | Sarah, Duchess of York | Sarah McLachlan | Sarah Silverman | The Mary Tyler Moore Show | Christy Moore | Dudley Moore | Sarah Michelle Gellar | Sarah | Sarah Harmer | Patrick Moore | Mary Tyler Moore | Sarah Lawrence College | Julianne Moore | Grace Moore | Sarah Polley | Sarah Kane |
Although not an onstage character, Angelin Grimké Weld is referred to many times in Ain Gordon's 2013 play If She Stood – commissioned by the Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia – by the characters Sarah Moore Grimké and Angelina Weld Grimké.
Both Angelina Weld Grimké and her great aunt Sarah Moore Grimké appear as main characters in Ain Gordon's 2013 play If She Stood, commissioned by the Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia.