In Sassari, Sardinia, due to the historical ties with Genoa, la fainé genovese (genoese fainé), is a typical dish.
Leonardo Omar Onida (born 19 July 1973) is a poet who is artistic director of Ottobre in Poesia, an annual literary festival in Sassari, Sardinia, Italy.
He studied at seminaries in Sassari and Cuglieri and was ordained a priest in Rome on 23 December 1951.
At that time the only Regions of Italy not to have at least one Assembly were Sassari, North Sardinia, and in Campobasso, Molise.
It is connected by train (FdS) to Macomer and by bus (ARST, Azienda Regionale Sarda Trasporti) to Cagliari, Sassari, Olbia, and to several minor centres in the province and the region.
To commemorate him, Gerolamo Araolla wrote the sonnet onor di Sassari e delizia dell'Arno (Honor of Sassari and delight of the Arno).
With the Apostolic Constitution Nostrarum partem of 5 August 1927, Pope Pius XI founded in Cuglieri – along with the Pontifical Major Seminary accorded to the Society of Jesus – the two Faculties of Theology and Philosophy which were supposed to extend the activity already started in the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari.
The port is connected by ferries with Genoa, Marseille, Toulon, Barcelona, Civitavecchia, Propriano, Expressway SS131/E25 to Sassari and Cagliari, and a national road to Santa Teresa Gallura (SS200).
Fiume Santo, a 1,040 MW power station owned by E.ON, is a 5–10 km west from the port, in the municipality of Sassari.
In 2000, there were 28 hectare (69 acres) of Retagliado bianco growing in Italy, almost exclusively in the provinces of Olbia-Tempio (particularly the Gallura region) and Sassari in Sardinia.