Swett is portrayed by the actor Ryan Honey in the 2012 movie Saving Lincoln, which tells President Lincoln's story through the eyes of Ward Hill Lamon, a former law partner of Lincoln who also served as his primary bodyguard during the Civil War.
Creed Bratton as Senator Charles Sumner, who was vehemently against slavery and often tried to convince Lincoln to immediately free the slaves
Abraham Lincoln | Lincoln | Lincoln, Nebraska | Lincoln's Inn | Lincoln Memorial | Lincoln Cathedral | Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts | Lincoln City F.C. | Lincoln City | Lincoln's Inn Fields | Bishop of Lincoln | Lincoln Park | Lincoln, England | Saving Private Ryan | Lincoln County | Lincoln Ellsworth | Lincoln Park, Chicago | Lincoln Laboratory | Lincoln Highway | Lincoln (2012 film) | President Lincoln | Lincoln University | Lincoln Continental | Lincoln College | University of Nebraska–Lincoln | Lincoln Steffens | Lincoln College, Oxford | Andrew Lincoln | Lincoln Heights | Lincoln County, Nevada |