Of Joseph Scaliger, the only biography in any way adequate was that of Jakob Bernays (Berlin, 1855).
... So it is that Scaliger and Minturno prescribe five acts, and that Castelvetro ... points out that poets seem to have found the five-act form most suitable.
Robert Burton (d. 1640) wrote in The Anatomy of Melancholy that "Scaliger and Cardan admire Suisset the calculator, qui pene modum excessit humani ingenii whose talents were almost superhuman".
Also excerpts from the lost Fragmentum cuiacianum, made by Scaliger, and now in the library at Leiden are of importance for their independence of A. It contained the part from 3.4.65 to the end, useful as fragments go as the other manuscripts lack 3.4.65.
Cujas again filled a chair at Valence, August 1567-75; he had among his auditors Scaliger, the historian Jacques-Auguste de Thou, the jurist Pithou.
The 14th century and the beginning of the 15th saw Vobarno involved in the wars of the Scaliger, Visconti and Malatesta families, until, apparently moved by self-interest rather than force, they submitted of their own to Venice in 1426.