Richard von Schnitzler (1855, Köln – 1938), a German banker, nonexecutive board member of IG Farben ∞ Melanie Stein (b. 1858), a daughter of Karl (Carl Martin) Stein (de)
Not only at the various stages of Vienna, but also on tour in Berlin Niese has starred in numerous plays by including Ludwig Anzengruber, Gerhart Hauptmann, Ferenc Molnár, Johann Nestroy, Ferdinand Raimund and Arthur Schnitzler.
Both Schnitzler and Moebius had been students of Joseph Beuys at the Düsseldorf Fine Arts Academy in the 1960s.
Michael Schnitzler was born to Austrian parents who fled from the country after the Anschluss in 1938.
In 1969 one of its founders, Conrad Schnitzler, joined Tangerine Dream for a while, playing on their first album, Electronic Meditation, released in 1970.
According to Conrad Schnitzler in a 1980 interview he gave to David Elliott an advertisement by an organist interested in new music led to the recording session being sponsored by a church.