
2 unusual facts about Scoliosis

Ernest Marwick

When he was ten he was forced to leave school and lie flat on his back on a wooden board because he had been diagnosed with Scoliosis.


Studies in 2006 showed evidence of a linkage between idiopathic scoliosis and three microsatellite polymorphisms in the MATN1 gene (encoding for Matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein), respectively consisting of 103, 101 and 99 base pairs, .


scoliosis | Scoliosis |


Busdriver - "Handfuls of Sky" and "Scoliosis Jones" from Jhelli Beam (2009)

Georg Joachimsthal

In 1887 he earned his medical doctorate from Friedrich Wilhelm University with a dissertation on scoliosis titled Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Skoliose, and afterwards remained in Berlin as an assistant to Julius Wolff (1836-1902).

Milwaukee brace

A related brace is the Boston brace (underarm brace, also known as a thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis, or TLSO), which is more commonly used for scoliosis.

Santa Barbara Zoo

Gemina was featured in an episode of the television program Miracle Workers, in which she was credited with inspiring a child with scoliosis.

see also