
unusual facts about microsatellite


Microsatellite data has revealed that some of the apomictic lineages are hybrids between two or more sexual parents.


The Anna University Satellite, or ANUSAT was an Indian student research microsatellite designed, developed & integrated at Aerospace Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), Chromepet, Anna University.

Marker-assisted selection

DNA-based and/or molecular- A unique gene (DNA sequence), occurring in proximity to the gene or locus of interest, can be identified by a range of molecular techniques such as RFLP, RAPD, AFLP, DAF, SCAR, microsatellite, or single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection.


Studies in 2006 showed evidence of a linkage between idiopathic scoliosis and three microsatellite polymorphisms in the MATN1 gene (encoding for Matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein), respectively consisting of 103, 101 and 99 base pairs, .


Space Technology 5, a NASA test of ten new microsatellite technologies

see also