
unusual facts about Sea of Azov

Sea of Azov

The shores of the Sea of Azov contain numerous limans, estuaries and marshes and are dominated by reeds, sedges, Typha and Sparganium.


Astacus pachypus, the "Caspian crayfish", is a species of crayfish found in the Caspian Sea, the Don river, and parts of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, where it lives in salinities of up to 14.

Eastern tubenose goby

Proterorhinus nasalis, the Eastern tubenose goby, is a species of goby native to fresh and brackish waters of the basins of the Sea of Azov and the Caspian Sea and has invaded the upper reaches of the Volga River from its native occurrence in the delta.


Patria Onoguria, referred to as such by Agathius, Priscus Rhetor, Zacharias Rhetor, and Pseudo-Zecharias Rhetor, was a Hunno-Bulgar state around the Sea of Azov granted by Byzantium to the Onogurs in the 460s AD when, led by Attila's sons Dengizich and Ernakh, they overran Karadach's Akatziroi already settled in the region within the larger context of the Great Migrations and the Turkic expansion.

Tricolia pullus

This species is distributed in European waters, the Mediterranean Sea, the Sea of Azov, in the Atlantic Ocean along the Canaries and in the Indian Ocean along Madagascar.

see also