
unusual facts about Seat of Wisdom

Seat of Wisdom

More recently, sedes sapientiae is for example the motto of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Université catholique de Louvain, founded when Latin still was the academic lingua franca.

see also

Carysfort College

The college developed further when 'Sedes Sapientiae' (Seat of Wisdom) Training School for girls (a recognised Teacher Training college) of Catherine McAuley Baggot Street moved to Carysfort in Blackrock.

Sedes Sapientiae, Leuven

It is the symbol of the Catholic University of Leuven, in whose seal it is enclosed in a vesica piscis shape whose margin bears the text "Universitas catholica Lovaniensis. Sedes sapientiae" (Latin for Catholic University of Leuven. Seat of Wisdom).