Some films of ancient settings, such as Sebastiane and The Passion of the Christ, have been made with dialogue in Latin for the sake of realism.
In fact, excerpts from the album did appear in at least four films, "Sparrowfall (1)" in John Woo's A Better Tomorrow, "Slow Water" in Derek Jarman's Jubilee, "Final Sunset" in Jarman's Sebastiane and Breathless and "M386" and "Alternative 3" appear in Rock 'n' Roll High School.
She made a cameo appearance in Derek Jarman's debut film Sebastiane, and played the lead role in his follow-up film Jubilee as the punk "anti-historian" Amyl Nitrite.
After Rocky Horror, he capped his cinematic career with a bit role in Paul Humfress and Derek Jarman's homoerotic Roman historical drama, Sebastiane.
The season included network television showings of Scum (which was edited to remove some of the violent gang rape scene and the subsequent gory suicide of the victim), Monty Python's Life of Brian (which was preceded by a warning that viewers may find the film's treatment of religious themes upsetting), the controversial documentary feature The Animals Film and Derek Jarman's Sebastiane and Jubilee.