
unusual facts about Secrets

A Question of Attribution

They briefly discuss the Dutch Vermeer forger Han van Meegeren, and how his paintings now look like fakes, but were accepted as genuine in the (early) 1940s, and touch on the nature of fakes and secrets.

Abdelkrim Ghallab

Interview with Abdelkarim Ghallab, Remembering for Tomorrow (publication of the European Cultural Foundation and Escuela de Traductores de Toledo, Annette van Beugen and Gonzalo Fernández Parrilla) about his autobiographical books The Seven Doors (Sab'at abwab), The Book of Formation, An Unjust Old Age (al-Shaykhukha alzalima) and Cairo Reveals its Secrets (al-Qahira tabuhu an asrariha).

Age of Secrets

Age of Secrets: The Conspiracy that Toppled Richard Nixon and the Hidden Death of Howard Hughes is a biography on Howard Hughes personal advisor, and former U.S. Senate Candidate, John H. Meier and written by newspaper reporter Gerald Bellett.

Alex Hooper-Hodson

Whilst working on Sugar magazine Alex was featured in a feature entitled '69 Guy Secrets Revealed' with Nick Carter of Backstreet Boys fame and Lee Ryan from Blue.

Blu Cantrell

In 2007, Cantrell starred alongside LisaRaye and Kenya Moore in the musical stage play Gossip, Lies and Secrets.

Body thetan

The Church attempted to keep the case file checked out by a reader at all times, but the story was synopsised in the Los Angeles Times, November 5, 1985 and detailed in William Poundstone's Bigger Secrets (1986) from information presented in the Wollersheim case.

Book of Secrets

The Book of Mysteries, also known as The Book of Secrets, an ancient Essene text found in fragmentary form among the Dead Sea Scrolls

Brent L. Top

Among these are Ten Secrets Wise Parents Know: Tried and True Things You Can Do To Raise Faithful, Confident Responsible Children (written with Bruce A. Chadwick), When You Can't Do It Alone and Why Bad Things Happen to Good People.


Kelly L. Moran, Shelley Chintz: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pattern Books, Thaxted Cottage, 1999, ISBN 0-9676925-0-4.

Claw of Archimedes

The plausibility of this invention was tested in 1999 in the BBC series Secrets of the Ancients and again in early 2005 in the Discovery Channel series Superweapons of the Ancient World.

Denison, Iowa

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Dale Maharidge depicts a changing Denison in the early twenty-first century in his book Denison, Iowa: Searching for the Soul of America Through the Secrets of a Midwest Town. This book features photographs by Maharidge's photographic partner and fellow Pulitzer-winner, Michael Williamson.

Dirty Little Secret

The postcards in the video were posted by anonymous people onto the website PostSecret, a project where users can create their own cards; sharing their darkest secrets and posting them to the website without giving their name or any other details.

Dominic Sutherland

In 2003 he directed "Churchill - Secrets of Leadership" before working as a director on the 2005 documentary series Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution', for which he shared the Grierson Award for Best Historical Programme.

Ed Zotti

William Poundstone's 1993 book Biggest Secrets, which exposed a variety of professional, trade, and entertainment secrets, refers to Cecil as "a guy named Ed Zotti".

Eifel National Park

In Heimbach, in an old station building, "forest secrets" (Waldgeheimnisse) are the main themes.

Franz Anton Bustelli

It was a relatively late entrant to the group of porcelain factories set up in Europe as the secrets of the techniques developed by Johann Friedrich Böttger for the Meissen factory in Saxony (established in 1710) gradually leaked out.

Henri Desgrange

France at the end of the 19th century was split over the guilt or innocence of a soldier, Alfred Dreyfus, who had been convicted of selling secrets to the Germans.

Il canto sospeso

The title is actually taken from the Italian edition of a poem, "If We Die", by Ethel Rosenberg who, together with her husband Julius, was tried and convicted in America of espionage and of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.

Iqbal Athas

On 26 July 2005, President Chandrika Kumaratunga told a meeting of 1,000 military officials that he was considering charging Athas under the Official Secrets Act after Athas wrote a column describing the purchase of a British logistics landing craft as a waste of money.

Jeff Bleckner

His most recent project is the pilot for Conspiracy, a potential series for the 2007-08 season, starring Lisa Sheridan as a Washington, D.C. attorney attempting to undercover the secrets of a pharmaceutical company she successfully defended.

John Irving Bentley

Joe Nickell, in his book Secrets of the Supernatural, gives an account of this event he got from Larry E. Arnold's article "The Flaming Fate of Dr. John Irving Bentley," printed in the Pursuit of Fall 1976.

Joseph Pisani

The influence of the colorful underwater life of the Red Sea is apparent in paintings, such as: "The Secrets of the Underwater World", and "Deep (Approximately 63 Meters Below the Red Sea)".

L.A. Confidentiel

L.A. Confidentiel: Les secrets de Lance Armstrong (L.A. Confidential: Lance Armstrong's Secrets) is a book by sports journalist Pierre Ballester and The Sunday Times sports correspondent David Walsh.

Lego Creator: Harry Potter

LEGO Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a game in the Harry Potter Lego Creator series specifically focusing on the second book and movie.

Meredith Maran

In the book, twenty of America's bestselling authors, including David Baldacci, Jennifer Egan, Terry McMillan, Jodi Picoult, and James Frey, share tricks, tips, and secrets of the successful writing life.

Michiel van Bokhorst

In late 2001 Van Bokhorst met Philip Oakey at a party in Amsterdam for "OOR magazine" and discussed working on remixing some of the tracks on The Human League album Secrets.

Montreal Laboratory

While he maintained that he did not divulge any nuclear secrets to his previous boss (although he had discussed patent rights), Halban was not allowed to work or to leave North America for a year, by General Groves, head of the Manhattan Project.

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals is a point and click adventure game developed by White Birds Productions and based on the graphics novels of Enki Bilal's The Nikopol Trilogy.

Obesity in France

Mireille Guiliano wrote the book French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure which explains why French women eating in the traditional way are less inclined to be obese than their American counterparts and shares French women’s secrets to staying slim while eating well.

Official Secrets Act

The Official Secrets Acts 1911 and 1920 means the Official Secrets Act 1911 and the Official Secrets Act 1920.

The Official Secrets Acts 1911 to 1989 means the Official Secrets Acts 1911 to 1939 and the Official Secrets Act 1989.

Operations conducted by the Mossad

Abduction of Mordechai Vanunu (1986) - Mossad operation to abduct and bring back to Israel Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear technician who had fled Israel for the United Kingdom and revealed nuclear secrets.

Oswald Teichmüller

:" ... he was a genius but as an extreme Nazi shamefully stood out with his agitation against Landau and Courant." (in: Entzifferte Geheimnisse. Methoden und Maximen der Kryptologie. English title: Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology)

Preeta Samarasan

Evening Is the Whole Day focuses on the dark secrets of an affluent Malaysian Indian family (also living in Ipoh), and has been praised for its lyrical, inventive language, often using untranslated Tamil words, and using aspects of Bahasa syntax, such as reduplicatives as intensifiers.


According to author Gordon Thomas' 2007 book, Secrets and Lies, the CIA's Operation Often was also initiated by the chief of the CIA's Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to "explore the world of black magic" and "harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach".

Rogatchover Gaon

The remainder of his surviving writings appeared in the United States and Israel many years after his death; all are titled Tzofnath Paneach "decipherer of secrets", (a title given to the Biblical Joseph by Pharaoh (Genesis 41:45)).


The show was described as Secrets 2 and a mixture of Noel's House Party and The Big Breakfast.

Satoshi Ohno

In commemoration of Walt Disney's 110th anniversary, the documentary will explore and reveal the secrets behind the origins and processes of Walt's creations.

Secrets of Scotland Yard

Secrets of Scotland Yard is a 1944 American thriller film directed by George Blair and starring Edgar Barrier, Stephanie Bachelor and C. Aubrey Smith.

Ship of Destiny

Ship of Destiny continues where The Mad Ship left off and reveals some of the secrets that were hinted at in the first book and second books.

The End of the Affair?

Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively): Serena is forced to bring back old feelings for Dan when she covers Blair's secrets by saying she is dating Dan.

The Last Halloween

Meanwhile, Mrs. Gizbourne (a woman played by Rhea Perlman who had a previous run-in with Jeanie and Michael) and her assistant Hans (Richard Moll) are in an old house performing experiments on insects to find the secrets of eternal youth.

The Loud Solomon Family: A Dickumentary

When Dick covers up a slip-up by saying that Sally is a lesbian, it led to the aliens wildly "revealing" embarrassing secrets about each other.

The Wishsong of Shannara

It remained harmless until the Druid Brona found it in the halls of Paranor and began to read and unlock its terrible secrets.

Tubular Bells III Live

The concert finishes with encores of "Secrets" and "Far Above the Clouds".

William E. Fairbairn

The television series Secrets of War suggested him as a possible inspiration for Q branch in James Bond.

William Kampiles

James Hall III – An Army warrant officer and intelligence analyst in Germany who sold eavesdropping and code secrets to East Germany and the Soviet Union from 1983 to 1988.

see also