The video ends with a wild audience applauding 1950s teen idol Fabian Forte, and finally a preacher proclaiming; "When you get to heaven, it'll all be out, and over."
It is mainly black and white footage (however, there is a brief period of colour film around the middle eight) of music concert goers, people experiencing religious revelations and preacher men.
Guiding Light | Electric Light Orchestra | light rail | Edmonton Light Rail Transit | light curve | Light-emitting diode | light novel | Charge of the Light Brigade | William Light | light | incandescent light bulb | Light | Florida Power & Light | Baltimore Light Rail | traffic light | Light Up the Sky | Figures of Light | Durham Light Infantry | Docklands Light Railway | Divine Light Mission | Black Light Burns | Australian Light Horse | Angels of Light | Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light | Somerset Light Infantry | Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry | Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry | Metro: Last Light | MAX Light Rail | light-sport aircraft |
According to The Silmarillion, Elu Thingol was not counted among the Moriquendi, although he was king of the Moriquendi of Beleriand; for he had seen the light of the Trees in Valinor.