
5 unusual facts about Selective Service Act

Edward Joseph Gardner

During his term, he supported a temporary extension of wartime price controls and the draft and the right to strike.

Estep v. United States

Sec. 5(d) of the Selective Service Act exempts from training and service (but not from registration) "regular or duly ordained ministers of religion".

Selective Service Act

Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, enacted September 16, 1940, in preparation for the American entry into World War II

Selective Serviceb Act of 1917, or Selective Draft Act, enacted April 28, 1917, for the American entry into World War I

United States v. O'Brien

In 1948, the United States instituted a peace-time draft with the Universal Military Training and Service Act (also called the Selective Service Act), which required all male American citizens to register with a local draft board upon reaching the age of 18.

see also