
unusual facts about Selenge Province

Byambyn Rinchen

Byambyn Rinchen was born in 1905 in Bol'shoy Lug place of Troitskosavsky uyezd (district), today the surroundings of Kyakhta, in the border zone of Russia and Mongolia (Kyakhta in Buryatia and Altanbulag sum in Selenge Province).

Gonchigiin Bumtsend

Bumtsend was born on September 11, 1881 in Züünbürenhanuul Hoshuu, Tüsheet-Khan Province (present day Yeröö district, Selenge Province).

Khas-Ochiryn Luvsandorj

Luvsandorj was born in 1910 in Tüsheet-Han Province (present-day Shaamar district of Selenge Province.

Sharavyn Gungaadorj

In 1980 he was appointed first deputy minister of state farms and in 1981 he became first secretary of the Selenge Province MPRP Committee.

see also