The school was part of the naval dockyard which had been established to support the Self-Strengthening Movement in its of learning science and technology from the west.
This was Phan's first encounter with the Self-Strengthening Movement in China and other major political and military reforms made around the world.
In 1870 a number of foreigners were killed during riots in the city of Tianjin.
As a result of treaties with the Western powers, the two ports of Tianjin and Shanghai were opened to Western trade.
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | Non-Aligned Movement | Union for a Popular Movement | Arts and Crafts movement | Oxford Movement | Indian independence movement | White movement | Temperance movement | Movement for Democratic Change | Polish resistance movement in World War II | Latter Day Saint movement | conservation movement | Resistance movement | Italian resistance movement | 19th of April Movement | temperance movement | Orange Democratic Movement | Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai | movement | Garden city movement | Conservation movement | Rastafari movement | Quit India Movement | Good Roads Movement | World Organization of the Scout Movement | United National Movement | Tea Party movement | resistance movement | Panhellenic Socialist Movement | Norwegian resistance movement |