
2 unusual facts about Selim Palmgren


Selim Gustaf Adolf Palmgren (1878, Pori – 1951, Helsinki), Finnish composer, pianist, and conductor

Selim Palmgren

He studied at the Conservatory in Helsinki from 1895 to 1899, then continued his piano studies in Berlin with Ansorge, Berger and Busoni.

Amici Cantus

Amici Cantus has recorded a collection of male choir songs from both Leevi Madetoja (1987) and Selim Palmgren (1990), and has also put out a complete collection of Einojuhani Rautavaara’s unaccompanied male choir repertoire (1997).

Kauppakorkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat

The choir's artistic range spans classical Finnish (e.g. by Jean Sibelius, Leevi Madetoja, Toivo Kuula, Selim Palmgren, and Armas Järnefelt) and international male choir music, modern compositions (e.g. by Einojuhani Rautavaara and Jaakko Mäntyjärvi), barbershop, as well as pop music arrangements.

Orchestral song

Aside from Grieg Scandinavian examples include Ture Rangström's Swedish cycle Häxorna ("The Witches") (1938) Den Utvalda ("The Chosen"), Madetoja's Syksy-sarja (Autumn Song Cycle), Selim Palmgren's En sällsam fågel (a lonely bird) and Aamun autereessa (in the morning mist), Danish composer Peter Lange-Müller's orchestrations of his songs, and Erik Norby's Rilke-Lieder for mezzo-soprano and orchestra.

see also