To the west of the village, the Semington Brook flows northwards and then turns to the west, to join the Avon at Whaddon.
aqueduct | Roman aqueduct | Aqueduct | Catskill Aqueduct | Aqueduct (water supply) | Navigable aqueduct | Croton Aqueduct | Aqueduct of Segovia | California Aqueduct | Washington Aqueduct | Roebling's Delaware Aqueduct | Quabbin Aqueduct | Marple Aqueduct | Colorado River Aqueduct | Avoncliff Aqueduct | aqueduct (water supply) | Aqueduct (watercourse) | aqueduct (watercourse) | Aqueduct's | aqueduct (Roman) | Aqueduct (bridge) | aqueduct (bridge) | Águas Livres Aqueduct |