
unusual facts about Semitic

Albert Tobias Clay

He graduated at Franklin and Marshall College in 1889, and at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in 1892; was ordained to the Lutheran ministry in the latter year; was fellow in Assyrian and instructor in Hebrew at the University of Pennsylvania, to which, after being instructor in Old Testament theology at the Chicago Lutheran Seminary in 1895-99, he returned as lecturer in Semitic archæology.

Alfred-Henri-Marie Baudrillart

Baudrillart initially supported the Vichy government of Marshal Philippe Pétain, along with Cardinal Suhard, and in August 1941 - as a fervent anti-communist - even supported the creation of a Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism; however in early 1942 he openly protested in public against the anti-Semitic measures of the Vichy government in shops and theatres; he also decried the Hitler regime as unhuman (in private conversation).

Arab Orthodox

Members of the community also call themselves "Melkites", which literally means "monarchists" or "supporters of the emperor" in Semitic languages (a reference to their past allegiance to Macedonian and Roman imperial rule), but, in the modern era, the term tends to be more commonly used by followers of the Greek Catholic church.

August Rohling

August Rohling (15 February 1839 at Neuenkirchen, Province of Westphalia, Prussia – 23 January 1931 in Salzburg) was a German Catholic theologian, student of anti-Semitic texts, and polemical author.

Avi Korein

Roger Friedman of Fox News in 2006 noted what he perceived as the irony of Korein working for Mel Gibson, who caused controversy when he uttered anti-semitic comments during a DUI incident in Malibu, California.


The wave of pogroms of 1881–1884 and anti-Semitic May Laws of 1882 introduced by Tsar Alexander III of Russia prompted mass emigration of Jews from the Russian Empire.


After the 1936 Warsaw kehilla elections, Henryk Ehrlich created an incident by accusing Zionist leaders Yitzhak Gruenbaum and Ze'ev Jabotinsky of being responsible for recent anti-Semitic agitation in Poland by their campaign urging Jewish emigration therefrom.

Captain Euro

He described the Dr. D. Vider character as having "a hooked nose and a goatee beard, like some anti-Semitic caricature from the Völkischer Beobachter", and stated that D. Vider's real first name, David, and his occupation in finance could also be considered indicators that the villain is meant to be Jewish.


The town figured in the virulently anti-Semitic novel The Jew of Chamant, published in 1898 by George H. D. Gossip under the pseudonym "Ivan Trepoff".

Cineguild Productions

The make-up of Alec Guinness, who portrayed Fagin, was based on George Cruikshank's original illustrations of the Dickens masterpiece, and it was considered anti-semitic by some as it was felt to perpetrate Jewish racial stereotypes.

Conservative Judaism

This situation was resolved due to the efforts of Cyrus Adler, professor of Semitic languages at Johns Hopkins University and founder of the Jewish Publication Society, who convinced a number of wealthy German Reform Jews including Jacob Schiff, David and Simon Guggenheim, Mayer Sulzberger, and Louis Marshall, to contribute $500,000 to the faltering JTS.

David Fiuczynski

Screaming Headless Torsos, for instance, emphasizes a jazz-funk fusion, while Hasidic New Wave blends jazz with Semitic and African music; 2000's JazzPunk is a recording of standards and covers written by his idols and mentors, in which each tune was reworked in distinctive musical combinations.

Det 20de Århundre

In 1911 it published a text which was written by internationally known anti-Semite Theodor Fritsch, and translated by the Norwegian anti-Semitic writer Eivind Saxlund.

Dual-covenant theology

Daniel Goldhagen, former Associate Professor of Political Science at Harvard University, also suggested in his book A Moral Reckoning that the Roman Catholic Church should change its doctrine and the accepted Biblical canon to excise statements he labels as anti-Semitic, to indicate that "The Jews' way to God is as legitimate as the Christian way".

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

In 1991, Leo Bogart criticized Noelle-Neumann, accusing her of anti-Semitic passages in her dissertation and articles she wrote for Nazi newspapers.

European Alliance for Freedom

The Danish People's Party, UK Independence Party and the Alternative for Germany refused to join the new alliance, while the more radical and anti-Semitic European nationalist parties such as National Democratic Party of Germany, the British National Party, Greek Golden Dawn and Hungarian Jobbik were not permitted to.

Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin

Born in Dubberow near Belgard(Dobrowo), Pomerania, Germany , Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin supported the nationalist-conservative and anti-semitic German National People's Party (Deutschnationale Volkspartei).

Felipe Maillo Salgado

Graduated in Spanish Philology and Geography & History by Salamanca University (1978) and in Semitic Philology by University of Granada (1979), earning a doctorate in Spanish Philology at Salamanca University by 1981.

Finding in the Temple

In late medieval depictions, the Doctors, often now carrying or consulting large volumes, may be given specifically Jewish features or dress, and are sometimes overtly anti-Semitic caricatures, like some of the figures in Albrecht Dürer's version in the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid.

François Blanchetière

Blanchetière considers that "Nazarene" religion was a religious movement of Semitic character within Judaism.

Franklin Prophecy

Beard, Charles A. “Exposing the Anti-Semitic Forgery about Franklin.” Jewish Frontier. New York, March 1935, pp.

Friedrich Marby

There was a school of rune scholars who interpreted the Eddas completely in anti-Semitic fashion, but Alan Baker in his book Invisible Eagle singles out Marby as one of the exceptions.

Fritz Hippler

In 1940, he was responsible for the management and design of the feature-length documentary film The Eternal Jew- according to Courtade," History of Film in the Third Reich," "the vilest anti-Semitic Nazi films."

George A. Drew

During the spring 1945 Ontario election, Premier Drew ran an anti-Semitic, union bashing, Red-baiting campaign against the CCF's Ontario section.

Hesychius of Jerusalem

The anti-Semitic tone of many scholia may find an explanation in local conditions; likewise geographical and topographical allusions to the holy places of Palestine would be expected of an exegete living at Jerusalem.

History of the Jews in Belgium

Also he described an increase of 30% in the number of anti-Semitic incidents including physical assaults and vandalism of Jewish institutions, and a suggestion of the Belgian Justice Minister Stefaan De Clerck of the ruling Christian Democratic Party of an amnesty for Nazi collaborators in 2011.

Hovevei Zion

In the Russian Empire, waves of pogroms of 1881-1884 (some allegedly state-sponsored), as well as the and anti-Semitic May Laws of 1882 introduced by Tsar Alexander III of Russia, deeply affected Jewish communities.


Kamose, the last king of the Theban 17th Dynasty, refers to Apophis as a "Chieftain of Retjenu (i.e., Canaan)" in a stela that implies a Semitic Canaanite background for this Hyksos king: this is the strongest evidence for a Canaanite background for the Hyksos.

Indo-Semitic languages

The arguments presented for a relationship between Indo-European and Semitic in the 19th century were commonly rejected by Indo-Europeanists, including W.D. Whitney (1875) and August Schleicher.

István Csurka

Later István Tarlós, the mayor of Budapest asked Dörner to reconsider hiring of Csurka following anti-Semitic screed.

Joseph Schacht

In Breslau and Leipizig he studied Semitic languages, Greek, and Latin, under famous professors, including Gotthelf Bergsträßer.

Julien Klener

His main teachings concerned: Judaism as a cultural system, Biblical Hebrew (undergraduate and graduate students) Comparative linguistics of the Afro-Asiatic languages(graduate students), Semitic Epigraphy(graduate students) and General Introduction to Semitic Studies(graduate students).

Julius Oppert

In 1855, he published Écriture Anarienne, advancing the theory that the language spoken originally in Assyria was Turanian (related to Turkish and Mongolian), rather than Aryan or Semitic in origin, and that its speakers had invented the cuneiform writing system.

Lenny Clarke

In 2006, Clarke and Leary appeared on television during a Red Sox telecast and, upon realizing that Red Sox 1st baseman Kevin Youkilis is Jewish, delivered a criticism of Mel Gibson's anti-semitic comments.

Literary forgery

This anti-Semitic document was, in effect, written by members of the Russian secret police.

Marija l-Maltija

This was Malta's debut Eurovision entry and consequently the first time that the Maltese language or any other Semitic language was heard at the Contest.


Meem is the letter Mem (also known as Meem / Mim), the thirteenth letter of many Semitic language abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic

Mieczysław Moczar

J. Anthony Lukas observed two chief purposes for Moczar's anti-Semitic campaign: "to clear Jews out of responsible positions so those can be filled by General Moczar's supporters, and to fix responsibility on non-Jewish leaders, probably including Mr. Gomułka, for failure to act more decisively against what Moczar called 'the Zionist Infiltration’".

Norihiro Yasue

Actually, Japan's White Russian neighbors were highly anti-Semitic and, according to Kaufman, Yasue translated the Protocols with the intent of understanding the Russian image of Jews.

Old South Arabian

The Old South Arabian languages were originally classified (partly on the basis of geography) as South Semitic, along with Arabic, Modern South Arabian and Ethiopian Semitic; more recently however, a new classification has come in use which places Old South Arabian, along with Arabic, Ugaritic, Aramaic and Canaanite in a Central Semitic group; leaving Modern South Arabian and Ethiopic in a separate group.


Nothing is known for certain about the original language or languages of the Philistines; however, they were not part of the Semitic Canaanite population.

Political positions of Libertas

The Anti-Defamation League, United Nations, and Council of Europe monitor parties for use of racist, xenophobic and/or anti-Semitic discourse.

Robert Aron

In 1941 he was arrested in one of the Nazis' first anti-semitic operations and held in the Mérignac camp near Bordeaux.


Samekh, the Hebrew (and various other Semitic alphabets) letter

Social Credit Party of Ontario

Subsequently, Carmichael was accused of allowing the Social Credit Action headquarters to become a meeting place and organizing centre for neo-Nazis disseminating anti-Semitic material, such as David Stanley and John Beattie.


Telesio Interlandi (1894–1965), Italian journalist and anti-semitic propagandist

The Berlin Batman

Years ago, when Baruch was still a child, he watched his Jewish parents get beaten to death by an anti-semitic mob.

The Tollbooth

But when she overhears one of the party’s guests make an anti-Semitic comment, and realizes she doesn’t want to fit it in to this crowd, and that she is proud of her heritage.

see also