
6 unusual facts about Senior Scout Adventure

Senior Scout Adventure

For this reason the 1976 adventure was moved to the Winterhoek.

The rest of the year was spent organising the location in the Cederberg, testing communications, hiring school busses, finding activity leaders and various other functions.

The adventure takes the form of a hike of about 10 days, usually in the Cederberg mountains.

In December 1986, the National Senior Scout Adventure moved back to the Cederberg and has remained there ever since.

In 1985, permission was obtained from private landowners in the Cederberg to put activity centres on their land and the Department of Forestry gave permission for scouts to hike and camp in the wilderness area.

After the 1974 adventure the Cederberg was declared a wilderness area and activity centres were no longer allowed to be in the same location for more than 24 hours due to the new forestry rules.

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