
unusual facts about Sentiment

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Actual idealism

Its ideas, therefore, were key to helping the Fascist party consolidate power in Italy with its own reform, and integral to giving Fascism the content of its philosophical sentiment.

Adelaide Livingstone

Dame Adelaide Stickney Lord Livingstone, DBE (died 1970) was responsible for organising the Peace Ballot in 1934-35 to gauge the British public's sentiment in the winds of upcoming war with a rearming and aggressive Germany led by Adolf Hitler.

Adelson e Salvini

The opera was based on the 1772 novel Épreuves du Sentiment by François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard d'Arnaud, and it draws on a previously performed play by Prospère Delamare.

Alejandro Flores

One of the specific manifestations of this sentiment was the creation of the Museum of the Patria Vieja, in a central house of Rancagua, where he resided for some years.

Amrita Kumbher Sandhane

The action is seen through the eyes of Shubhendu Chatterjee who has come to the Mela not out of any religious sentiment but to see and understand people and seek the reason why “….multitudes upon multitudes of the old and weak and the young and frail enter without hesitation or complaint upon such incredible journeys and endure the resultant miseries without repining.” (Mark Twain after visiting the 1895 Mela)

Anti-American sentiment in Korea

Strongly anti-US foreign policy and anti-Bush, the song was written in 2002 at a time when, following the Apolo Ohno Olympic controversy and the Yangju highway incident, anti-American sentiment in South Korea reached record high levels.

Anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States

Other highly symbolic deals — including the sale of famous American commercial and cultural symbols such as Columbia Records, Columbia Pictures, and the Rockefeller Center building to Japanese firms — further fanned anti-Japanese sentiment.

Argentine Open Theatre

Controversy ensued, however, when a number of well-known directors' works were passed over, notably Pacho O'Donnell's; negative national sentiment on the heels of the disastrous Falklands War helped further dampen interest in the season, which closed in November.


Examples of the term's use include the phrase "Jock Tamson's Bairns" as an idiomatic expression of egalitarian sentiment and the title of the 19th century Geordie folk song "Come Geordie ha'd the bairn." "Baloo Baleerie", a traditional Scottish lullaby, incorporates the term repeatedly, as does "The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry", a traditional folk song from Orkney.

Big Cup

It was this sentiment that led columnist Dan Savage to refer to the Big Cup as "the deepest pit in gay hell next to Rufus Wainwright's colon."

Bryan Ingham

He was an enthusiastic cricketer and had a trial for Yorkshire; it was one of his regrets that having been born in a hospital two or three miles into Lancashire he was disqualified from playing for the county but as he was not selected this remained purely a sentiment.His affection for his Yorkshire roots never left him.

Cape Bedford Mission

Although Schwarz was naturalized in 1905, married to an Australian woman and his children were Australian-born and spoke only English, one of the mission's neighbours called him an "officially-pampered Hun" and accused the government of "subsidizing an institution conducted by an enemy subject to teach the Aboriginals German sentiment and German language."

Chinatown, Mexicali

After anti-Chinese sentiment faded, more Chinese arrived here, and it became the Mexican headquarters for the Kuomintang, or the Nationalist Chinese Party and the Anti-Communist League.

Christopher Mtikila

Toward the end of 1995, a growing sense of Tanganyikan nationalism was taking hold and there was an increase of separatist sentiment on the mainland.

Dino Buzzati

In its sentiment and its conclusions, it has been compared to existentialist works, notably Albert Camus's The Myth of Sisyphus.

Eustace Scrubb

In Lewis' essay The Abolition of Man, he argues that modern education is producing "men without chests" – people whose lives are divided between the purely cerebral and the purely visceral, without any middle ground of sentiment or imagination—and Eustace (in his initial state) is clearly intended to be one of these.

Fifth Crusade

The failure of the Crusade caused an outpouring of anti-papal sentiment from the Occitan poet Guilhem Figueira.

Frank D. Parent

Parent was an early supporter of Mines Field, near Inglewood, as a site for a Los Angeles municipal airport, and he persuaded the planners of the National Air Races that the field would be the "best possible landing area" and they chose it for the 1928 event, which solidified public sentiment in favor of the location for the city's first airport.

Georgia's 4th congressional district election, 2006

Merle Black, a political science professor at Emory University in Atlanta, expressed a similar sentiment, "An incumbent who is forced into a runoff is a serious sign of weakness.

Guinness share-trading fraud

As the Rothschilds are also a Jewish family, it, the Report, also weakened (after a very lengthy delay) the argument by some that the prosecution and DTI inspectorate were motivated by antisemitic sentiment.

Guy Fawkes Night

Author Martin Kettle, writing in The Guardian in 2003, bemoaned an "occasionally nannyish" attitude to fireworks that discourages people from holding firework displays in their back gardens, and an "unduly sensitive attitude" toward the anti-Catholic sentiment once so prominent on Guy Fawkes Night.

H. H. Chesterman

Chesterman was replaced by Anderson in September of that year; Anderson appointed Virginia Paul Holm, Mike Holm's widow, after public sentiment grew that she should succeed him.

Hikōtei Jidai

Other than being a "retired Italian Air Force pilot", Porco's past is not discussed, although the rise of fascism and the sentiment against it are mentioned.

Ilmar Reepalu

Hannah Rosenthal, the then U.S. Special Envoy of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, said that Reepalu had made "anti-Semitic statements" and that Malmö under Reepalu represented a "prime example" of "new anti-Semitism", where anti-Israel sentiment serves as a thin guise for Jew-hatred.

J. G. M. Ramsey

As rumors spread that the Confederate Army was planning to release Brownlow, the elder Ramsey wrote to Jefferson Davis, calling Brownlow the "prime mover and instigator" of Union sentiment in the region, and demanded he be court-martialed.

Jimmy Howard

Was awarded a Legislative Sentiment by former Maine State Representative Chris Greeley in July 2011, for his success as both a college and professional hockey player, and his work with kid's hockey programs.

Larry R. Williams

Williams has created numerous market indicators including Williams %R, Ultimate Oscillator, COT indices, accumulation/distribution indicators, cycle forecasts, market sentiment and value measurements for commodity prices.

Li Hongzhang

He was appointed to the viceroyalty of the metropolitan province of Zhili, and justified his appointment by the energy with which he suppressed all attempts to keep alive the anti-foreign sentiment among the people.

Matt McCarten

In response to this article, Israel's Ambassador to Australia and non-resident Ambassador to New Zealand, Yuval Rotem, sharply criticized McCarten and accused him of "blunt anti-Israel sentiment which is a camouflage for anti-Semitism".

Mercerville-Hamilton Square, New Jersey

Hamilton Square was named after Alexander Hamilton in a wave of anti-British sentiment at the time of the War of 1812.

Museo de la Masacre de Ponce

Concurrent with this increased sentiment for nationalism and independence, U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt assigned a new governor for the Island, General Blanton Winship.

Nikita Magaloff

He remarked, in an interview with Eugenio Scalfari "at the age of seventy, I have come to the conclusion that only the sentiment and fear of death can induce an immoderate passion for life." His last recordings bear eloquent tribute to this 'immoderate passion for life'.

Paul Westfield

During the "Hypertension" story arc of the Superboy series, a Superboy from another Hypertime reality was grown to full age to become Superman, but later became Black Zero in the midst of anti-clone sentiment.

PLO in Lebanon

Lebanese president Charles Helou was anxious about the prospect of nationalist sentiment causing turbulence in Lebanon following the war, which had ignited mass support from Arab communities of the Palestinian cause.

Rosario Marin

Hoping to ride the popular sentiment that toppled Democratic Gov. Davis in the recall election and installed Republican moderate Arnold Schwarzenegger in his place, Marin officially became a candidate for the Republican nomination to the US Senate on December 2.

Samuel Rhoads

Rhoads shared the revolutionary sentiment spreading through the city in the 1770s and was a delegate to the First Continental Congress.

Stay Another Day

Bizarrely, given its sentiment mentioned above, the tune is featured in a current (2012-3) Doritos advert.

Stay Down Here Where You Belong

While Henry Burr's recording of the song may have mirrored a large portion of American sentiment during the early days of World War I, the eventual entry of the United States into the conflict and the consequent reversal of the national mood turned the song into a major source of embarrassment for Berlin, who is better known for his subsequent patriotic songs.

Strunal CZ, a.s.

: As a possible indicator for economic sentiment, Bräuer moved to Bubenreuth to reunite with the expelled Schönbacher craftsmen in the spring of 1968.

The Fields of Ambrosia

Based on the 1970 film The Traveling Executioner, The Fields of Ambrosia is a black comedy and contains violence, sex, romance and sentiment.

The South's Gonna Do It

The notion that "the South shall rise again" was a familiar sentiment and rallying cry for disaffected Southern whites after the American Civil War.

The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise

Initially, when the song's hopeful sentiment appealed to post-war North America, it was recorded by both singers and instrumentalists, including Morton Downey, Fritz Kreisler, Ted Lewis, and John Steel.

Virginia v. West Virginia

Unionist sentiment was so high in the northwestern counties that civil government began to disintegrate, and the Wheeling Intelligencer newspaper called for a convention of delegates to meet in the city of Wheeling to consider secession from the state of Virginia.

What About Brian

In the third verse he comes to the conclusion that he must leave her 'where the guitars play', a sentiment reinforced by the vamp in which the lead singer, Robert Plant, is backed by the rest of the band repeating the two lines; 'Hey hey what can I do' and 'Oh Lord what can I say.'

Workingmen's Party of California

This sentiment led eventually to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

Yao Chong

He soon frequently clashed with his aunt Princess Taiping, however, on matters of politics, and Princess Taiping tried to spread the sentiment that Li Longji should not be crown prince, and that his older brother Li Chengqi the Prince of Song, who was born of Empress Liu, or his cousin Li Shouli the Prince of Yong (the son of Emperor Ruizong's older brother Li Xian (note different character than Emperor Zhongzong)) should be crown prince.

Yn Chruinnaght

Programmes from the early festivals state that "Yn Cruinnaght Vanninagh Ashoonagh is held under the auspices of The World Manx Association and The Manx Gaelic Society in commemoration of our great National Poet and with the object of preserving national sentiment." The "great National Poet" referred to is Thomas Edward Brown (1830–1897) whose poems, including lengthy verse-stories in Manx dialect (of English, though with some Gaelic words), were published by Macmillan.

see also