While this genre is particularly associated with the second half of the 18th century, it continued in a modified form into the 19th century, especially in the works of Mrs Henry Wood, who is remembered especially for East Lynne (1861).
Eighteenth-century aesthetic theory, following Edmund Burke, held that the sublime and the beautiful were juxtaposed.
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This sentimental novel, which has notions of sensibility and early romanticism, satirizes the society in which it is set and is a significant precursor to the work of Jane Austen and Maria Edgeworth, whose novels explore many of the same issues.
The Fool of Quality; or, The History of Henry, Earl of Moreland (1765-70), a picaresque and sentimental novel by the Irish writer Henry Brooke, is the only one of his works which has enjoyed any great reputation.
Scève was also responsible for a translation of a sentimental novel (Grimalte y Gradissa) by Juan de Flores as La Déplourable fin de Flamète (1535), which was inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio.
Like his contemporaries Antoine de Nervèze or François du Souhait, Des Escuteaux is one of the authors most often associated with the so-called "sentimental novel" (or "amours") published during the reign of Henry IV of France.