Lived under the reigns of Amenemhat II, Senusret II and Senusret III, Djehutihotep was one of the most powerful nomarchs of the Middle Kingdom; his tomb is the only one of the necropolis of Deir el-Bersha which wasn't damaged by the quarrymen's explosives, and is well known for the great quality of its decorations.
BC from the tomb of a 12th dynasty official Khnumhotep under pharaoh Senusret II at Beni Hasan.
Senusret II seems to be most likely candidate, as the papyrus fragment was found at his funerary temple.
Eugene H. Merrill has suggested that Senusret II may be the unnamed Pharaoh mentioned in the biblical story of Joseph.
The king also established the first known workers' quarter in the nearby town of Senusrethotep (Kahun).
The workmen's village at el-Lahun was built and inhabited during the reign of Senusret II of the Twelfth Dynasty.
Senusret III | Senusret II | Senusret I |