The nearest population centres to Labrador West is the Quebec town of Fermont, 30 km away; ports of Sept-Îles and Baie-Comeau to the south and the military town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay to the east.
Robert Parker: Les Sept Pêchés capiteux | sept | Sept Îles | Young Filipinas of Marigondon, early 1800s. From ''Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux iles Philippines'' by Paul de la Gironière | Sept-Îles | Manila fishermen, early 1800s. Original caption: ''Pêcheurs de Manille''. From ''Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux iles Philippines'' by Paul de la Gironière | La Sept | Îles Saint-Marcouf | Îles Maria | Îles du Salut | Greg Iles | Governador Dix-Sept Rosado | Bridge of Binondoc in Manila, early 19th century. Original caption: ''Pont de Binondoc à Manille''. From ''Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux iles Philippines'' by Paul de la Gironière |
In Sept. 1931, he married actress Gladys McConnell, and they had a daughter, Mary Barbara Button (b. 9 Feb. 1937, Los Angeles), now known as Barbara McAllister.
Abd al-Karim al-Nahlawi (Arabic: عبد الكريم النحلاوي) (born 1926) is a former Syrian military officer and head of the coup which ended the union of Syria and Egypt as the United Arab Republic on Sept. 28, 1961.
During the spring of 1798, Muskein concentrated over 50 of the landing barges in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and on 6 May launched an attack on the Îles Saint-Marcouf while a combination of wind and tide prevented the blockade squadron from intervening.
The company was established in Arques, Pas-de-Calais, where it is still headquartered, as a glass-making firm under the name Verrerie des Sept Ecluses in 1825.
In the Sept. 2007 (issue 1633) edition of Comics Buyer's Guide, columnist Beau Smith reviewed a copy of Assault on the Senses with positive reviews pointing out, "there is a very cool tint of homage to the Silver Age of comics in this story, and if you're a master of comic trivia like Mark Waid or Peter David you may just figure it out."
(Sept 1901 - July 1954) - was a baseball coach who was born in Las Animas, Colorado in 1901.
Charles Crouch, merchandising executive, was born in Augusta, Georgia, Sept. 15, 1898, son of Joseph William and Lily (Strom) Crouch.
The Arthur H. Cole Prize for the outstanding article in the Journal of Economic History, Sept. 1981-June 1982 for “British Industrialization Before 1841.He is a Professor of Economic History and an Emeritus Fellow at St Antony's College both at the University of Oxford.
US Premier: Malco Theatres' Studio on the Square, Sept. 10, 2009 in Memphis, TN.
Others of the dispossessed Clan had joined with Clan Dugall Craignish and some went to Perthshire and joined with the MacGregors, leading to an ill-informed present-day claim that MacInnes is a Sept of MacGregor.
In 695 Congalach and his kinsman Áed mac Dlúthaig (died 701) of the Síl nDlúthaig of Fir Cúl Breg killed Fínsnechta Fledach, the High King of Ireland, and his son Bresal of the Clan Fínsnechtai sept at Grellaigh Dollaith.
Aquaman #63 (Aug./Sept.) — Aquaman story from #64 published in Adventure Comics #460
With DC Specials cancellation following issue #29 (Aug./Sept. 1977), DC immediately begin publishing the umbrella one-shot title DC Special Series, which lasted until Fall 1981.
producer=Jennifer Steinman, Diana Iles Parker, Yael Melamede, Dean Karnazes
3) some daughters, the eldest of whom Elizabeth married Sylvester O'Sullivan, head of the sept MacFineen Duff of Derreenavurrig in Kerry, by whom she had numerous issue.
The character Turac first appeared in Dracula Lives! #2 (Sept. 1973).
Iles broadcast frequently for the BBC, and appeared as concerto soloist with distinguished conductors including Sir Thomas Beecham, Sir Adrian Boult, and Willem Mengelberg.
"After Sept. 11, he realized 'If I could do this, who else could do this?'" — director Klaartje Quirijns, explaining why KLA gun runner Florin Krasniqi decided to let the filmmaker tell his story of how he (mostly) legally bought tons of guns in the United States and shipped abroad.
Bate-Smith, E. C., Leuco-Anthocyanins, Biochem J. 1954 Sept; 58(1): 122–125.
Francena Harriet Long was born Sept. 9, 1888, on a farm near Literberry, Illinois, to James Harvey Long and Hannah Cox Long.
Captain Sanderson was transferred to 33rd U.S. Infantry 21 Sept 1866 and served as Acting Assistant Adjutant-General (AAAG), on the staff of Brevet Major General Pope commanding, Third Military District, at Headquarters (Atlanta, Georgia).
Henyep (Chengdu) Enterprise Limited was registered in Chengdu, China on Sept. 18, 2001.
Unlike many other hereditary royal office holders, the "Durward" family were not of Anglo-Norman or French origin, but of native Gaelic origin, being a sept of the native comital dynasty of Mar.
Hugh S. Knowles (Hynes Iowa Sept. 23, 1904 - April 22, 1988) was an American acoustical engineer, inventor, and manufacturer in the hearing aids field.
On Sept. 27, 2012, the Independent Weekly was purchased by ZM INDY, Inc., whose owners, Mark Zusman and Richard Meeker, also own Willamette Week.
The inserted provision would limit the CIA to the 19 interrogation tactics in the U.S. Army Field manual, effectively banning waterboarding, exposure to extreme temperatures and other techniques used on War on Terror detainees after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.
Ivan Vaughan (18 June 1942 - 16 August 1993) was a boyhood friend of John Lennon, and later schoolmate of Paul McCartney at the Liverpool Institute, both commencing school there in Sept. 1953.
He was son of John Tillinghast, rector of Streat, Sussex, and was born there in 1604 (baptised 25 Sept.) The regicide Robert Tichborne was his uncle.
Named player of the week on Sept 13 for a 7 tackle performance which included an 82 yard interception return for a touchdown against Hamilton.
The sept of Mac Tiege O'Brien were temporal lords of the islands from a very remote period, and the inhabitants of the English part of the town of Galway entered early into strict alliance and friendship with them; but this compact did not save the islands from being plundered and burnt by Sir John D'Arcy, Lord Justice of Ireland, who, in 1334, sailed round the western coast with a fleet of 56 vessels.
There was a branch of this Ulster sept who were erenaghs of Comber, on the river Foyle in the deanery of Derry, and they are recorded as such as late as 1606 when Bishop Montgomery's survey of the diocese was made.
Deepa Mehta's Elements from, "Earth" and Beyond (Sept '99)
Michael Martin Hammer (13 April 1948 – 3 Sept 2008) was an American engineer, management author, and a former professor of computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), known as one of the founders of the management theory of Business process reengineering (BPR).
The box remained, sans words and colored in, when reprinted as part of the 12-page story in Marvel Comics #1 (Oct. 1939), and reprinted as the original eight-page story in Marvel's The Invaders #20 (Sept. 1977).
The first North Carolina Science Festival was held Sept. 11-26, 2010, featuring Bugfest at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences as its kick-off event.
Following this, she was an ensemble star and narrator, alongside the superheroines Firestar, Black Cat, and Photon, in the miniseries Marvel Divas #1-4 (Sept.-Dec. 2009), which writers Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Tonci Zonjic had pitched it to Marvel editors as "Sex and the City in the Marvel Universe".
Beez Entertainment and Seven Sept released it on DVD in March 2005, on the third volume of this show's second season.
He is referred to by The Clash in their single "Clash City Rockers" and also by The Mountain Goats in the song "Sept. 15th 1983", a reference to the date of his death.
Removed from British Columbia Coast Steamships service in 1964, it was moved to Terminal Island of Los Angeles Harbor and opened as America's largest floating restaurant Sept. 25, 1966.
Les Sept Anneaux de Rhéa and Les Jardins de l’Apocalypse have been translated by Brian Stableford and published as The Gardens of the Apocalypse (2010) ISBN 978-1-935558-68-2
He was ordained as a deacon 22 Sept. 1706, and became curate of Great Nesse.
The English word "sept" is most accurate in referring to a subgroup within a large clan, particularly when that group has taken up residence outside of their clan's original territory (e.g. the O'Neills, MacSweeneys, and O'Connors).
Sept Îles, also known as Jentilez, a small French archipelago off the north coast of Brittany and an important birds reserve
Sept-Rivières (French for "Seven-Rivers") is a regional county municipality of Quebec, Canada, in the Côte-Nord region.
The Sept 11 2007 Osama bin Laden video appeared five days after the September 6, 2007 Osama bin Laden video, on the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Sir Frederick Spencer Arnold-Baker (born 1 April 1885) was the son of Frederick Arnold-Baker (born 30 Dec 1845) and Helen Catherine Nairne (born 1 Sept 1843), and grandson of the New Zealand watercolourist Major Richard Baker (1810–1854).
He finished his high school education in Toronto and in Sept 1932 he went to University College in Toronto.
The Iles du Salut, where Dreyfus was landed on March 15, composes a small archipelago situated twenty-seven miles (43 km) off Cayenne, opposite the mouth of the River Kuru.
Cinderella: Masks, Magic and Mirrors (Sept. 2 - Mar. 31 2008) which included materials from Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
Henry de Puyjalon (born 15 March 1841 Floirac, Lot, France – died 18 August 1905, l'île à la Chasse, Sept-Îles, Quebec) was a late 19th-century scientist and explorer.