
2 unusual facts about Serbians


The term Srbijanci is not part of the modern Serbian mainstream language as its frequency and usage is minimal.

In a similar way, adjectives "Serb" and "Serbian" could be used to mean "of Serbs" and "of Serbia", respectively, though they too are used interchangeably.


Serbians |

Andronikos III Palaiologos

To overcome his failure to secure gains against the Serbians, Andronikos III attempted to annex Bulgarian Thrace, but the new tsar Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria defeated Byzantine forces at Battle of Rusokastro on 18 July 1332.

Lujo Vojnović

When the Turks sued for peace, and concluded an armistice on the 3rd of December 1912 with the Serbians and Bulgarians, the Powers decided to arrange a peace conference in London, known as the St. James Conference, on the 12th of December that year (1912), and invited the belligerents to participate.

Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy

The largest ethnic groups represented in the school include Somalis, Indians, Afghans, Serbians, and many others.

see also