The documentary focuses primarily on Horatio Nelson Jackson and his Winton car, The Vermont; along with his companions Sewall K. Crocker, his pet pit bull Bud and frequent correspondence with Jackson's wife Bertha Richardson Wells (called "Swipes" by Jackson).
The first successful North American transcontinental trip by automobile took place in 1903 and was piloted by H. Nelson Jackson and Sewall K. Crocker, accompanied by a dog named Bud.
Samuel Sewall | Crocker Art Museum | Crocker | Charles Crocker | Sewall Wright | Betty Crocker | Sewall K. Crocker | Ryan Crocker | Crocker Range | Samuel Sewall (congressman) | Michael Crocker | Crocker Range National Park | Crocker National Bank | Crocker Land Expedition | Cody Crocker | Stephen Sewall | Sewall's Point, Florida | Sewall's Point | Sewall S. Farwell | Jonathan Sewall | Henry J. Crocker | Henry H. Crocker | Harold 'Mick' Crocker | Fay Crocker | Edwin B. Crocker | David Sewall | Crocker (disambiguation) | Crocker & Brewster | Cheerios Betty Crocker 200 | Barry Crocker |
Stovall had Lee arrested, but a prominent civil rights attorney, Edwin B. Crocker defended Lee, and in decision on January 26, 1858, Judge Robert Robinson ruled that Lee was a free man because California was a free state and, though Mississippi was a slave state, Stovall had become permanent resident of California, and thus could not own slaves.
Previous Assistant Secretaries since the position's creation, by recency, are Jendayi E. Frazer, Constance Berry Newman, Walter H. Kansteiner, III, Susan E. Rice, George Moose, Herman Jay Cohen, Chester A. Crocker, Richard M. Moose, William E. Schaufele, Jr., Nathaniel Davis, Donald B. Easum, David D. Newsom, Joseph Palmer II, G. Mennen Williams, and Joseph C. Satterthwaite.
He earned a degree in civil engineering at Rensselaer Institute in Troy, New York.
The next year, Crocker agreed to serve as legal counsel for the Central Pacific Railroad, a company run by the Big Four, which included Edwin's younger brother, Charles Crocker.
During World War II, Crocker was an officer in the largest and longest Army court-martial resulting from the Fort Lawton Riot.
Henry H. Crocker (1839–1913), Union Army officer and Medal of Honor recipient
Henry J. Crocker (1861–1912), San Franciscan businessman and philatelist
Upon the resignation of Charles F. Crocker in August 1882, Valentine was elected vice president and a director of Wells Fargo.
The school was originally located in Menlo Park, CA but now is located on the site of the former W. H. Crocker Skyfarm mansion, which was purchased and donated to the school by the late W. Clement Stone.