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Arbaa Sahel is a small town and rural commune in Tiznit Province of the Souss-Massa-Drâa region of Morocco.
Aymeric Chauprade co-organized with Jacques Frémeaux and Philippe Evanno in February 2013 a conference at the Sorbonne (University of Paris IV), entitled Menaces en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel et sécurité globale de l'Europe (Threats in North Africa and in the Sahel and overall security of Europe), the proceedings of which were published in April 2013 Ellipses Editions.
The Cercle falls largely in the dryer Sahel region, especially in its north, where the population is mostly Fula and Maure pastoralists.
The northern part is within the Sahel zone while southern sector has a typical Sudan–Guinea Savanna ecology, and includes Acacia-Balanites woodlands separated by dense stands of Elephant grass and Sorghum.
Associated Improvisers Garrigues-Sahel, a stage project including traditional African musicians and French jazz improvisers in September 1999, led to the 2000 record project Les Racines du Ciel (BMG, May 2002), with the subsequent stage group "Indigo Song".
Enfidaville became the chief settlement on the Enfida estate, a property of over 300,000 acres (1,200 km²) in the Sahel district of Tunisia, forming a rectangle between the towns of Hammamet, Sousse (Susa), Kairawan and Zaghwan.
The movie shows the rise and fall of a cruel and despotic village chief Guimba, and his son Jangine in a fictional village in the Sahel of Mali.
In the 2000s the government has been fighting numerous rebel groups, such as the one led by Hussein al-Houthi's Zaydi movement Shabab al-Mu'mineen, "The Young Believers".
In 1970 the village became part of the newly established municipality of al-Sawda along with the mostly Alawite villages of Maten al-Sahel, Mazra'a, Mazra'a Shamamis, Bayt Jadid, the Sunni Muslim village of Zamrin, the Christian villages of al-Sawda and Bashtar, and the Ismaili village of Awaru.
He then played for first division teams in Lebanon such as Safa Sporting Club, Shabab Al-Sahel, Hekmeh, Olympic Beirut, and Nejmeh.
This starling breeds on rocky cliffs, outcrops and gorges mainly in the Sahel from Mauretania and Equatorial Guinea to western Sudan.
Niellé is in the sub-Saharan Sahel savanna biogeography region, of grasslands with trees, such as the Baobab—Adansonia digitata and Umbrella Thorn Acacia—Acacia tortilis and other species.
Samples of his journalism have been translated into English and may be found assembled in an articled entitled "The Mobutuization of Burkina Faso," in The Desert Shore: Literatures of the Sahel, edited by Christopher Wise (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001).
The holotype was found below the Old Covent, Sahel-el-Alma, Mount Lebanon and is deposited at the Natural History Museum in London.
Belida reported that in October 2002, "AF DAS Robert Perry and S/CT Deputy Coordinator Stephanie Kinney, along with other State representatives, visited Chad, Niger, Mauritania and Mali, briefing host nations on the Pan-Sahel Initiative (PSI) ... a program designed to protect borders, track movement of people, combat terrorism, and enhance regional cooperation and stability."
The larger species have been greatly reduced in number by over-hunting and competition with livestock, and several species are vulnerable (Dorcas gazelle and red-fronted gazelle), endangered (Dama gazelle, African wild dog, cheetah, lion), or extinct (the Scimitar-horned oryx is probably extinct in the wild, and both Pelorovis and the Bubal Hartebeest are now extinct.
Since the threshold values of semi-aridity here (100–200 to 600 mm) are clearly lower than in the Köppen climate classification (390 to 780 mm for stations with mean annual temperature of 25°C and dry season centered in "winter", and even 440 to 880 mm at 30°C), the tropical semi-arid Sahelian climate, incidentally the hottest climate on Earth, is on the borderline of Köppen's hot semi-arid climates (BSh) and Köppen's hot arid climates (BWh).
Sahel Oulad H'Riz is a small town and rural commune in Settat Province of the Chaouia-Ouardigha region of Morocco.
Sahel, an area in Africa between the Sahara desert and the Sudanian Savanna
It consumes a fairly wide variety of grasses, but in the Sahel, it has a preference for cram-cram (Cenchrus biflorus).
The transhumant Fula, howewever, have spread with their languages from Senegal across the western and central Sahel.
SOS Sahel Ethiopia also provides emergency assistance when humanitarian crises occur, such as in the Borena Zone of Ethiopia in 2010, when a severe drought threatened the lives of local pastoralists and their cattle.
SOS Sahel Ethiopia works in three regions of Ethiopia: the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's, Oromia and Amhara regions.