
unusual facts about extinction

Walter Ferguson

His paintings have helped raise funds to reintroduce into Israel animals that became extinct since Biblical times.

Accounting reform

Robert Costanza, Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins and others who advocate a consistent global system for valuing natural capital, note that failures in this area are particularly grim: promoting extinction, loss of biodiversity, climate change and destructive weather for the sake of such "growth".

Alvarez hypothesis

In March 2010 an international panel of scientists endorsed the asteroid hypothesis, specifically the Chicxulub impact, as being the cause of the extinction.

Antin, Hautes-Pyrénées

The former Barony then Marquisate, was elevated to a duchy by Louis XIV (former lover of Mme de Montespan) in 1711 for Louis Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin and was passed down his family till its extinction in 1757 at the death of Louis Antoine's great grandson Louis de Pardaillan de Gondrin (1727–1757) who died in Breme during the Seven Years' War.

Appetite for Extinction

Appetite for Extinction is the second album by Some Velvet Sidewalk.

Blue walleye

The loss of the blue walleye is, arguably, an extinction event on par with the loss of the passenger pigeon and the near-extirpation of the American bison.

Bruno Giacosa

The Giacosa bottlings of Arneis also attracted attention as during the 1970s as one of only two producers making it along with Vietti, and helped bring the grape back from near extinction.

Chuvash Wikipedia

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on the international conference "Wikimedia Foundation" Wikimania 2009 on Chuvash example, Wikipedia has shown the value of Wikipedia for the languages on the verge of extinction.

Counts and Dukes of Châteauroux

After initially being awarded in 1616 by the head of the main branch of the Bourbon-Conde family, Henry II de Bourbon, prince de Condé, to his son Armand of Bourbon, it remained in the Armand line until its extinction in 1685, when it was passed along with the entirety of Armand's estate to his younger brother, François Louis de Bourbon.

Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen

In the reshuffle of Ernestine territories that occurred following the extinction of the Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg line upon the death of Duke Frederick IV in 1825, Duke Bernhard II of Saxe-Meiningen received the lands of the former Duchy of Saxe-Hildburghausen as well as the Saalfeld territory of the former Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld duchy.

Dynastic union

Following Salic law, Henry III, King of Navarre, a member of the House of Bourbon, succeeded to the French throne in 1589 upon the extinction of the male line of the House of Valois.

Earl of Kellie

in 1797 he succeeded to the Erskine of Cambo Baronetcy which merged with the Earldom until its extinction in 1829.

Earth immune system

James Lovelock's book "The Revenge of Gaia" suggests that Gaia has many mechanisms for eliminating civilisations that do harm through greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, but suggests that with increasing heat being received from the sun, Gaia's ability to "bounce back" as it did after the Permian and Cretaceous extinction events, may be increasingly compromised.

East Tyrol

While Tyrol was lost to the Austrian House of Habsburg in 1363, the Gorizian counts retained Lienz until the extinction of the line in 1500.

Edna Rose Ritchings

The Movement has nearly dwindled to extinction because few new converts have joined and Peace Mission doctrine forbids sex.

False killer whale

The species was thought extinct until Reinhardt confirmed it was alive when he described a large pod at the Kiel Bay in 1861.

Francis Egerton, 1st Earl of Ellesmere

On the extinction of the senior line of the Dukedom of Sutherland in 1963, his great-great-grandson, the fifth Earl, succeeded as 6th Duke of Sutherland.

George Augustus Robinson

Semi-fictional accounts of Robinson's travels are included in Matthew Kneale's book English Passengers and in T.C. Boyle's short story "The Extinction Tales".

Gerta Keller

Gerta Keller (born 1945) is a paleontologist who contests the Alvarez hypothesis that the Chicxulub caused the mass extinction 66 million years ago.

Gould's Petrel

Gould's Petrels were brought back from the edge of extinction by pest eradication programs on Cabbage Tree Island and a translocation program which established a second population on nearby Boondelbah Island.

Graydon Creed

In the Age of X reality, Graydon Creed had led a strike force that put the mutant race on the verge of extinction.

Greater Bird-of-paradise

A small population was introduced by Sir William Ingram in 1909-1912 to Little Tobago Island of West Indies in an attempt to save the species from extinction due to overhunting for plume trades.

Guam Rail

Zoologist Bob Beck, a Guam Department of Agriculture Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources wildlife supervisor, is credited with leading the efforts to capture the remaining wild Guam rails, Micronesian Kingfishers and other native birds to save them from extinction.

Habsburg Netherlands

After the extinction of the Spanish Habsburgs and the War of the Spanish Succession, the southern provinces were also known as the Austrian Netherlands from 1715 onwards.

Karera Wildlife Sanctuary

Established in 1981 to protect a population of the Great Indian Bustard in the region, it is now in the process of being denotified due to opposition by the local people and the extinction of the bird locally.

Keilor, Victoria

Australian megafauna including 3 metre high kangaroos and Diprotodons were found in the area until extinction about 13,000 years ago at the end of the ice age.


It was partitioned between itself, Königsegg-Aulendorf and Königsegg-Rothenfels in 1622, and was inherited by Königsegg-Aulendorf in 1663 with the extinction of the line.

Kostel Castle

After the extinction of the Counts Ortenburg on 28 April 1418, the Counts of Celje inherited their area holdings, expanding the castle into a formidable fortress and renaming it Schloss Grauenwarth, although the surrounding settlement retained the Slavicised Latin name Kostel.

Labrador wolf

In the late 2000s and early 2010s, there were several confirmed and unconfirmed sightings of the Labrador wolf on the island of Newfoundland which was surprising since the native wolf was hunted to extinction.

Liang Congjie

The organization worked with the Chinese government to ensure enforcement of existing environmental law, including efforts to protect a Tibetan antelope which were on the path to extinction and videotaping the cutting stands of old-growth forest in Western China that led to a 1999 order by Zhu Rongji prohibiting cutting down such trees.

Lož Castle

After 1418 the castle and lordship passed by inheritance to the Counts of Celje, who retained it until the line's 1456 extinction.


The base is also close to the extinction level of the calcareous nanoplankton species Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus (the base of biozone CN10b) and the first appearance of nannoplankton Ceratolithus acutus.

Nadab of Israel

This was consistent with the prophecy given via Ahijah the Shilonite concerning the extinction of the entire House of Jeroboam.

Oenothera deltoides subsp. howellii

The refuge was formed in 1980 to prevent extinction of this plant, as well as Lange's metalmark butterfly (Apodemia mormo langei) and the Contra Costa wallflower (Erysium capitatum var. angustatum).

Pallid sturgeon

To better protect the pallid sturgeon from extinction, research on its DNA and that of other closely related species was conducted to assess the differences within various populations of pallid sturgeon, and the differences between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon.

Panguna mine

They accused Bougainville Copper Ltd., of being responsible for poisoning the entire length of the Jaba River, and causing birth defects, as well as the extinction of the flying fox on the island.

Pig-footed bandicoot

The cause of the extinction remains uncertain: neither of the two most destructive introduced exterminator species, the fox and the rabbit, had yet arrived in south-west Western Australia when the pig-footed bandicoot disappeared from that area.

Rain beetle

The family contains a single extant genus, Pleocoma, and one extinct genus, Cretocoma, described in 2002 from Late Cretaceous deposits in Mongolia.

Rhacodactylus sarasinorum

R. sarasinorum is currently being evaluated by CITES for protective status and is considered vulnerable to extinction in many herpetological circles.

Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus

This gecko is considered to be in danger of extinction due to disappearing habitat and is being considered for protected status by CITES.

Saint Helena Airport

Prosperous Bay Plain is one of the few remaining sites on Saint Helena that holds significant ecological diversity; according to a 2004 review by Atkins Management Consultants, the survival of numerous endemic species critically depend on preservation and protection of the location; it also is an important nesting site for the Wirebird, Saint Helena's national bird which is nearly extinct.

Salto del Guairá

Its establishment coincides with the period of advancing agricultural frontier eastward, the construction of the Itaipu Dam and the extinction of the waterfalls in Saltos del Guairá

Samoan Woodhen

The Samoan Woodhen (Gallinula pacifica), also known as Samoan Wood Rail, is a nearly flightless rail endemic to the Samoan island of Savai'i, and probably extinct.


Shoyna lies immediately south of the 167 square kilometer Shoyninsky State Nature Reserve, established in 1997 to protect the spring and autumn staging area for the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus), an Arctic species threatened with extinction.


Sinosaurosphargis is an extinct genus of non-sauropterygian marine reptile known from the lower Middle Triassic (Pelsonian substage, Anisian stage) of Yangmazhai, Luoping County of Yunnan Province, southwestern China.

Super Time Force

Colonel Repeatski sends the Super Time Force, a time-traveling military organization, to prehistoric times to save the dinosaurs from extinction.

Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance

The French congregation, named from their house at Paris "of Picpus", was reformed by V. Mussart (d. 1637), and maintained close ties with the First Order till its extinction in the French Revolution.


The Kuenring family of ministeriales fell from grace after the extinction of the ruling House of Babenberg in 1246, as they had sided with King Ottokar II of Bohemia against the rising Habsburg dynasty.

Wilkes Land crater

However, there are already other suggested candidates for giant impacts at the Permian–Triassic boundary, for example Bedout off the northern coast of Western Australia, although all are equally contentious, and it is currently under debate whether or not an impact played any role in this extinction.

William Houlder Zachariasen

In a paper published in 1963, he showed that C. G. Darwin's formula for the secondary extinction correction contained an error in the treatment of the polarization of the X-ray beams.

William III, Duke of Bavaria

After the extinction of the Wittelsbach dukes of Bavaria-Straubing, counts of Holland and Hainaut, William and his brother Ernest struggled with their cousins Henry and Louis but finally received half of Bavaria-Straubing in 1429.

see also