
unusual facts about Shah of Persia

1908 bombardment of the Majlis

The 1908 bombardment of the Majlis of Iran took place on 23 June 1908 in Tehran, when the Persian Cossack forces serving the Shah of Persia aided by cannons and Kazak soldiers of the Russian Empire fired artillery and attacked Iranian parliament, the Majles.


At the height of its fame, the little theatre attracted audiences from the leisured classes visiting surrounding thermal spas, as well as religious/political pilgrims from the big cities and beyond, including Jules Méline, Maurice Barrès, and the Shah of Persia.

Prix d'Ispahan

The meeting had been hastily arranged to honour the Shah of Persia, Naser al-Din Shah Qajar, who was making an official visit to Paris.

Sir Sydney Waterlow, 1st Baronet

One story suggests that the Lodge and stables were built to accommodate the Shah of Persia's racehorses on his visits to England.

see also

Maserati 5000 GT

The first car in the Tipo 103 series, was the Shah of Persia, delivered to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who had been impressed by the Maserati 3500.