
unusual facts about Shakespearian-class trawler

Amber Sainsbury

In 2007 she convinced Academy Award winning film director Danny Boyle as well as the Shakespearian actor Sir Antony Sher to come on board as trustees.

Annie French Hector, 'Mrs. Alexander'

On the paternal side, she was related to the poet Charles Wolfe and on her mother’s side, to the Shakespearian scholar, Edmund Malone.

Basset-class trawler

The first 20 vessels were ordered under the 1939 programme (the Tree class), 30 vessels under the 1939 War Emergency programme in two groups (20 Dance class, and 10 Shakespearian class), and a further 130 over the next four years (the Western Isles (or, simply, Isles) class).

Orders were placed at shipyards in Britain, Canada and India for the Royal Navy, the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Indian Navy.

Battle-class trawler

The 12-pounder gun that was the Battle class trawlers' main armament was considered to be the smallest gun that stood a chance of putting a surfaced U-boat out of action, and they also carried a small number of depth charges.

The RCN's Battle class trawlers formed part of the Canadian naval response to Admiralty warnings to Canada about the growing German U-boat threat to merchant shipping in the western Atlantic.

Boston Guildhall

In the Court Room are a set of ceramic tiles designed by John Moyr Smith depicting various scenes from Shakespearian plays; they date around 1878 and were made at the Minton China Works, Stoke-on-Trent.

Bradfield Combust

The current village sits astride the A134, originally a Roman road just here, and the same highway that Will Kempe (one of the co-founders of the Globe Theatre) took in Shakespearian times on his famous dance from London to Norwich.

Charles Cowden Clarke

Charles Cowden Clarke (15 December 1787 – 13 March 1877), English author and Shakespearian scholar, was born in Enfield, Middlesex.

Cowden Clarke

Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877), English author and Shakespearian scholar

Donald Burton

In 1965 he appeared in the outstandingly successful RSC production of Gogol's The Government Inspector at the Aldwych Theatre, London, with Paul Scofield, Eric Porter, Paul Rogers, Stanley Lebor, Bruce Condell and other outstanding Shakespearian actors of the period

George Steevens

He walked from Hampstead to London every morning before seven o'clock, discussed Shakespearian questions with his friend, Isaac Reed, and, after making his daily round of the booksellers shops, returned to Hampstead.

Isabella Glyn

She also gave recitals at Boston, U.S.A in 1870; and, she gave Shakespearian readings at Steinway hall and at St. James in 1878 and 1879.

Luvvie Darling

Darling is depicted as an exaggerated parody on old-school British Shakespearian stage actors: pompous, bombastic, profligate and pretentious in his use of literary quotes, and habitually referring to famous, real-life actors in familiar terms (such as "Dear old Larry" for Sir Laurence Olivier).

Robert Sturua

Hamlet (1986) was staged for the Riverside Studio in London with Alan Rickman as Hamlet, and was hailed as one of ten best Shakespearian productions of the last 50 years by Shakespeare International Association.

Roger Mais

Shows consisted of Romeo and Juliet and reading of Shakespearian plays, but progress towards expressing Caribbean life was being made.

Samuel Brandram

Brandram's theories on the brisk speaking of Shakespearian dramatic verse were influential on William Poel.

William Terriss

He was also a notable Shakespearian performer and father of the Edwardian musical comedy star Ellaline Terriss.

see also