
unusual facts about Shakyamuni


Chin Kung

In 2006 he sponsored and attended actively the solemn and sumptuous celebration of the 2550th birthday of the Buddha Shakyamuni, which took place in the office of the UNESCO in Paris, organized by the Venerable Tampalawela Dhammaratana, ex-president of the Buddhist Union of France, it was an event of international scale, that left a big influence in the Buddhist and non-Buddhist world, by the distribution of its message of world peace and peace of mind in the heart of each.

Lobsang Tengye Geshe

In France for over thirty years, it applies tirelessly to transmit the benefits of various teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni, he taught for many years in Buddhist Temple Linh Son of Joinville-le-Pont and for years at the Vajra yogini Institut in the Tarn where he currently resides.

see also