
5 unusual facts about Shambhala


After experiencing dubstep at DJ Skream's set at Shambhala during the summer of 2008, the duo saw a change in their sound.

Meek Warrior

The title is possibly a reference to the concept of warriorship in the Shambhala tradition: the first step on the warrior's path is to become meek.

Nialaya Jewelry

The brand consists of draw string bracelets, cuff-link leather rings, diamond pendants and earrings that are Shambhala inspired.

Victoria LePage

In 1940 during an out of body experience, she was shown a place that lay in Central Asia and was called Shambhala.

Ymir, British Columbia

Ymir is about 10 km from the town of Salmo, where the annual music festival Shambhala takes place.

Bardo Thodol

Fremantle, Francesca & Chögyam Trungpa (1975) The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo by Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa. Boulder: Shambhala ISBN 0-394-73064-X, ISBN 1-59030-059-9 (reissued 2003).

David Starfire

A seasoned festival veteran, Starfire has performed at large scale international festivals including Coachella, Burning Man, Earthdance, Winter Music Conference, Love Parade, Shambhala, and Lightning in a Bottle.

Gil Fronsdal

The Dhammapada: A New Translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations, Boston: Shambhala.

Rena Jones

Jones has performed at several electronic music festivals including Shambhala, Burning Man and the Glade.

The Book of Five Rings

The Book of Five Rings: a graphic novel, by writer Sean Michael Wilson and Japanese artist Chie Kutsuwada, 2012, Shambhala Publications, Boston, USA.

Value system

Integral theorist Ken Wilber (1949-) re-introduced Spiral Dynamics concepts in his book A Theory of Everything (2000, Shambhala) where he attempts to bridge business, politics, science, spirituality and developmental theories, showing how they inter-relate through his model of manifest existence.

see also